[Plugin] [REL] MySQL Plugin (Now on github!)

I am glad you decided to not completely remove this wonderful plugin. I seriously was quite upset when you removed the download links. I could understand not supporting the project any further, but removing the download links ticked me off because you have put a ton of effort into this and I would hate to see it just go to waste.

One question; what exactly is different between R7 and R8?

From the Google Code project site changelog (https://code.google.com/p/sa-mp-mysq...in/source/list): destination array length is checked when it is about to be formatted so attempts to insert more information than an array can hold are avoided (these could lead to crashes). Although if this happened, it could be considered to be a problem in the scripter's methods, this is still a very welcome change!

There is actually a changelog.
And for the lazy ones:
- bug fixes
- thanks to maddin4t0r for two of them
- got rid of stringsteam (it was causing troubles with cells containing '\n')

Originally Posted by Pain123
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There is actually a changelog.
And for the lazy ones:
- bug fixes
- thanks to maddin4t0r for two of them
- got rid of stringsteam (it was causing troubles with cells containing '\n')
Tell us what you understand from this.

Are the empty strings fixed ?

The empty result bug with the mysql_x-functions is fixed.
There is still the bug, that you can't store strings in multi-dimensional arrays with the cache-functions.
But I've already provided a patch (fix) for that bug. Let's see if it gets approved.

Originally Posted by Pain123
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There is actually a changelog.
And for the lazy ones:
- bug fixes
- thanks to maddin4t0r for two of them
- got rid of stringsteam (it was causing troubles with cells containing '\n')
I knew it was in the change log, but what bug exactly got fixed?

Originally Posted by Pain123
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The empty result bug with the mysql_x-functions is fixed.
There is still the bug, that you can't store strings in multi-dimensional arrays with the cache-functions.
But I've already provided a patch (fix) for that bug. Let's see if it gets approved.

mysql-r15-win.zip MySQL r15 for Windows Featured
Could you give r15 for linux please?

What would you all think about a function to save cache results and use them whenever you like?

Originally Posted by Pain123
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What would you all think about a function to save cache results and use them whenever you like?
That is nice but why not just save them in variables and use the vars whenever you like.

And what if you want to store a big amount of data?
And why even create new vars if you have the vars in the plugin that already contain all that data you want to save?

Oh i didn't saw that.

Then reuploaded.

Originally Posted by Pain123
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There is still the bug, that you can't store strings in multi-dimensional arrays with the cache-functions.
But I've already provided a patch (fix) for that bug. Let's see if it gets approved.
Any news on this? I'm not going to be update the plugin until this has been fixed because a fair amount of data in our script uses strings stored in arrays.

Dan said he will talk with BlueG about that fix. No result yet.

Is the R8 stable version?

Originally Posted by Edvin
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Is the R8 stable version?
No, R7 is plus stable.

Awesome release, many thanks.

Originally Posted by Reboma
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Linux version (r15) (Compiled on Debian 6 Squeeze)
Thnk! It works!

Originally Posted by Edvin
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Is the R8 stable version?
R8 r15 is the best, there are many bugs fixed which exists in R7.

The R8 is BUG mysql_format function does not recognize the parameter %e and %s.

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