The Truth...

Originally Posted by milanosie
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So far I find your post look pretty dumb and ngrp negative.
I don't like NGRP aswell, mainly because of their "business" behaving, But you are like FINALLY NEW SERVERS, FINALLY SHITTY RP GONE.

Which is just extremly offtopic..
It is...

The topic is not based on "FINALLY NEW SERVERS, FINALLY SHITTY RP GONE". It's based on the activity that NGG is doing, that surprises MANY of us.

Originally Posted by milanosie
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So far I find your post look pretty dumb and ngrp negative.
I don't like NGRP aswell, mainly because of their "business" behaving, But you are like FINALLY NEW SERVERS, FINALLY SHITTY RP GONE.

Which is just extremly offtopic..
THey were all NGRP negative until I found out there was an attack on these forums, there is also too much evidance for this to be true, however why would he wreck his NGG 'business' for the sake a a DDoS attack on forums, my more recent posts are more looking at it as a spectator, and my earlyer posts may have been uncalled for. My most recent posts shows the risks that the Victims/Defenders may face and some other crap.

Actually it doesn't completly surprise me,

For a while the playerbase of NGRP dropped to under 300 a day, which might have made them like in "ragemode" to do such things, if ofcourse it is all true.

Originally Posted by IceCube!
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THey were all NGRP negative until I found out there was an attack on these forums, there is also too much evidance for this to be true, however why would he wreck his NGG 'business' for the sake a a DDoS attack on forums, my more recent posts are more looking at it as a spectator, and my earlyer posts may have been uncalled for. My most recent posts shows the risks that the Victims/Defenders may face and some other crap.
What? I do not understand hot that has anything to do with my post you "quoted"

Originally Posted by milanosie
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Actually it doesn't completly surprise me,

For a while the playerbase of NGRP dropped to under 300 a day, which might have made them like in "ragemode" to do such things, if ofcourse it is all true.
They've dropped (from what I heard) because of the things happening within the server.

Behavior from the Admin Team, the Scripting that has been added which is really not called for (not like they're some high-tech RP server)....

They dug a hole, they need to fill it up...

Originally Posted by milanosie
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Actually it doesn't completly surprise me,

For a while the playerbase of NGRP dropped to under 300 a day, which might have made them like in "ragemode" to do such things, if ofcourse it is all true.

What? I do not understand hot that has anything to do with my post you "quoted"
I was refering to the part where you said my posts was bias.

Originally Posted by Brandon Javorsky
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They've dropped (from what I heard) because of the things happening within the server.

Behavior from the Admin Team, the Scripting that has been added which is really not called for (not like they're some high-tech RP server)....

They dug a hole, they need to fill it up...
Hmm, People just expected more from them.
I think they became arrogant.

Didn't put enough effort in it because "it would take more money and time" and they thought players would't leave anyway.

Originally Posted by milanosie
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Hmm, People just expected more from them.
I think they became arrogant.

Didn't put enough effort in it because "it would take more money and time" and they thought players would't leave anyway.
Completely agree with this but WHY would they attack SAMP Forums that just asking for trouble.

Originally Posted by IceCube!
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Completely agree with this but WHY would they attack SAMP Forums that just asking for trouble.
I don't know?
Why would anyone else attack the samp forums to blame ngrp? Makes no sense either.

I have really no idea

Is it me or was something similar (if not the same) post here as well a few months ago, also including a server/community (Don't recall correctly, but I thought it was NGG/NG-RP as well) attacking other, smaller servers to prevent them from growing (and thus, making players switch server). Can anyone confirm?

Originally Posted by IceCube!
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Completely agree with this but WHY would they attack SAMP Forums that just asking for trouble.
Probably testing? Or they were just pissed off at SA:MP Staff (could be the owners, etc.) because they were removed from the Masterlist. They MOST LIKELY stopped to avoid getting shut down.

Originally Posted by milanosie
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I don't know?
Why would anyone else attack the samp forums to blame ngrp? Makes no sense either.

I have really no idea
I can understand somone causing trouble for somone else mainly because NGG *Irrelevant shit here* is the biggest English Roleplay server and people who are jelly about that may attack causing trouble, but then from the other side of the story why involve yourself? sure your IP is logged if you dont use a mask but thats not going to help a lot. Involving your self is just stupid.

There are things that don't make sense on both sides of the story and the vast amount of evidance seems surreal meaning that it looks fake because there is a mass quanity of it, In my opinion the email headers are a load of bullocks so I've already ruled that out of my argument due to the fact NGRP would have paid to create a fake email and not to use a 'fake' free provider.

Originally Posted by Hiddos
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Is it me or was something similar (if not the same) post here as well a few months ago, also including a server/community (Don't recall correctly, but I thought it was NGG/NG-RP as well) attacking other, smaller servers to prevent them from growing (and thus, making players switch server). Can anyone confirm?
I think it was made which is why it was brought up further back in the topic.

Originally Posted by Brandon Javorsky
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Probably testing? Or they were just pissed off at SA:MP Staff (could be the owners, etc.) because they were removed from the Masterlist. They MOST LIKELY stopped to avoid getting shut down.
Maybe but I thought it was the attack on SAMP Forums that got them black listed from the master list to start with? I though the attack was just a plus side to it, to back up the accounts made from the DDoS on SAMP Forums.

Note: Yes I am trolling this thread, juicey gossip .

Hmm, But I also know how it is to get blaimed for things you didn't do, and if that is the case it sucks to be ngrp.

Like people claiming that I send a ddos at their server, Like I know how to do that?

Besides, Does SOMEONE from NGRP Management team has a samp forums account, to mix in the discussion?

Originally Posted by milanosie
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Hmm, But I also know how it is to get blaimed for things you didn't do, and if that is the case it sucks to be ngrp.


Like people claiming that I send a ddos at their server, Like I know how to do that?

If they say that IG or on a public forum for your server, its usally a bid to steal players. Besides (D)DoSing is illegal.


Besides, Does SOMEONE from NGRP Management team has a samp forums account, to mix in the discussion?

I think they do but without them, this is turning the topic into a baised one as they aren't putting up a bid to defend them selfs which I personally would be raging on this thread if I was falsely accused, Considering the serverity of it. There is a jail sentance of upto 10 years or a fine / community service it goes into more detail in a earlyer post of mine.

They don't want to post because they know the truth. Most of the NGG community knows about this, and the proof provided. But have you seen at least Nick or Devin post here yet? No. They're not defending their community as they know we have WAY to much proof for them to deny.

Originally Posted by Brandon Javorsky
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They don't want to post because they know the truth. Most of the NGG community knows about this, and the proof provided. But have you seen at least Nick or Devin post here yet? No. They're not defending their community as they know we have WAY to much proof for them to deny.
Thats my point theres evidance and then theres too much evidance making it seem fake, which they are on that side of the scoreboard but that still doesnt explain why they would attack these forums.

One thing am not getting, didnt the SA-MP team back out of the partnership a few months ago? that can say something?

Originally Posted by Brandon Javorsky
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I mean seriously...why are big communities fighting against eachother. SA:MP is a community, we're ALL suppose to stick as one..
It is human nature.
Even the community of 1% fight against each other.

Originally Posted by DaRealShazz
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It is human nature.
Even the community of 1% fight against each other.
But if you guys are fighting, is DDoSing piss others off?

Originally Posted by DaRealShazz
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It is human nature.
Even the community of 1% fight against each other.
No seriously its just Immature not siding with one I will paragrpah this arguement.

Hacking is Illegal and you can see a court case comming on your ass, I havnt wrote about this yet and I will edit it later I'm not that clear on its punishment so I have to check.


Jon Paul Oson

Oson, a 38-year-old network engineer from San Diego, illegally hacked into his former employer’s network in a malicious revenge stunt.

The Council of Community Health Clinics (CCC) network at the time provided services to 17 regional health clinics in San Diego and the imperial counties of California - including medical records and test results. Once inside, Oson erased important patient data and billing information, potentially placing thousands of peoples’ lives in danger.

Oson was formally charged in 2008, receiving five years in prison and made to pay $144,358.83 to the CCC and $264,979.00 to the NCHS.

Okay so yours isint so harsh, meaning it may be lighter however a 16 year old boy..


Was jailed for 17 years due to hacking into a community, he said 'I hacked into the ommnity because I thought they stole my personal details'

Okay so he was retarded thinking a COMMUNITY stole his personal details which is slightly retarded but he still got 17 years, just think fellows 17 years! which will lead you to a load of fucking bullocks and prision rape!

Originally Posted by IceCube!
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Who cares if they are the 'largest' if NGG shut down forever tommorow their players would go else where either distributing players more evenly or to the 2nd best server, shutting down NGG would not afflict SAMP its self in any way. DDoSing is illegal correct it is illegal because you are interfering with access to and use of a network without the permission of the network's owner. DDoSing implys you are attacking a netwrok with your own or other peoples network as DDoS hosts. DDoSing if taken into the hands of any law inforement agency will resort into a fine or community service both are pritty shitty for either of these guys to do, If any of the attackers/victims wish to take this further they will be taking a ride down shit street with lawyers and possibly ristricted access to a computer
This I updated later with this,
Originally Posted by IceCube!
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True but its still an offence, it isnt on like a mass company that afflicts their business and only NGRP are a registerd company, them being the accused DDoSer's will be the ones who if they decided to take action would be afflicted harsher as they are a registerd company. They would have to pay the company fine for DDoSing which is extensively more than a private DDoSer would pay. The chancs of it being thrown out as it is done under a childish act would b 99.9%.

It turns out since the last time I read up on DDoSing it has changed.

All that shit I said about fines might be still possible, but DDoSers look at a jail sentance if they are within the United Kingdom now, (Yes I'm trying to scare DDoSers here. DDoSing is a serious act that before DDoSing you SHOULD take into consideration the effects on you and your family, if you are under the legal age of responceabilt you parents will take the 10 year prison sentacne, If your mums name is on the Bill she will go Vice Versa with your dad!.

EDIT: For you guys in the US I would like to scare you to!

Heres a diagram on How DDoSing works

Updated - Things like quotes I made to better arrange it are missing in the quotes I have refeerd to just click the arrow at the top to goto the original post.

NOTE: Unless I've done some shody googling BOTH are VERY serious offences and aren't taken lightly.

Originally Posted by Infinity
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At least he HAS proof, unlike you who comes in bashing the OP without any way to back up your accusations. Like you said, the SA-MP team is more then capable of judging whether or not this proof actually means something. IIRC, they've already done.
Sorry I didn't know defending ngg was against the forum rules

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