18.05.2015, 16:45
SetPlayerWeather doens't update the weather with the latest release.
If you have correct object sizes then I will update plugin. But I don't know how to get sizes for new objects. I just put Y_Less include into this plugin, that's all.
I believe the modelsizes include just uses the data provided by rockstar, however I will see if I can get a solution to get the new sizes for the 0.3.7 objects.
Use ColAndreas's bounding sphere function, it returns exact sizes and offsets. Plus you could always update the list when new objects are added by samp versions. I could make a script for it if you want, but I'm sure you know how simple it is.
Also, the sizes in modelsizes.inc are not from R*, Kalcor exported the sizes himself (but as we know, most of those sizes are off by a bit, some a lot). |
They are accurate enough for some tasks, as we sometimes only need vague sizes to accomplish the task. Also I don't want to have another plugin aside of YSF, as I have no need for everything else in ColAndreas.
I believe he is hinting that we can use it to generate the offsets for the new objects(correct me if I am wrong), and then export that data into the YSF plugin.
CA_GetModelBoundingSphere(modelid, &Float:offx, &Float:offy, &Float:offz, &Float:radius);
stock StoreAsArray(model1, model2) {
new Float: x, Float: y, Float: z, Float: radius, bufferstring[300], string[126];
for (new i = model1; i != model2; ++i)
CA_GetModelBoundingSphere(model1, x, y, z, radius);
format(string, sizeof string, ",%f, %f, %f", x, y, z);
strcat(bufferstring, string, sizeof(bufferstring));
new File: handle = fopen("offsets.txt");
if(handle) {
fwrite(handle, bufferstring);
return bufferstring;
I didn't know there was a plug and play method for that, that part of storing the data shouldn't be a difficult task, e.g:
pawn Код:
new Line[2][512], Float:oX, Float:oY, Float:oZ, Float:R, File:Sizes = fopen("sizes.txt", io_append), File:Offsets = fopen("offsets.txt", io_append); for(new row; row < 1000; row++) { Line[0][0] = EOS; Line[1][0] = EOS; strcat(Line[0], "\t\t"); strcat(Line[1], "\t\t"); for(new col; col < 20; col++) { CA_GetModelBoundingSphere((row * 1000) + col, oX, oY, oZ, R); strcat(Line[0], sprintf("%0.6f, ", R)); strcat(Line[1], sprintf("{%0.6f, %0.6f, %0.6f}, ", oX, oY, oZ)); } strcat(Line[0], "\r\n"); strcat(Line[1], "\r\n"); fwrite(Sizes, Line[0]); fwrite(Offsets, Line[1]); } fclose(Sizes); fclose(Offsets);
stock const Float:MODELS_gColRadius[20000] = { //EVERYTHING from sizes.txt here. }, Float:MODELS_gColOffset[20000][3] = { //EVERYTHING from offsets.txt here. };
Yes but I don't understand how the data is actually stored, what is the starting object etc, and I think it'd be easier to just store all the variables in one LARGE string, and then print it to the file - no need to write every loop.
new Line[2][1536], Float:oX, Float:oY, Float:oZ, Float:R, File:Sizes = fopen("sizes.txt", io_append), File:Offsets = fopen("offsets.txt", io_append); for(new row; row < 1000; row++) { Line[0][0] = EOS; Line[1][0] = EOS; strcat(Line[0], "\t\t"); strcat(Line[1], "\t\t"); for(new col; col < 20; col++) { CA_GetModelBoundingSphere((row * 20) + col, oX, oY, oZ, R); strcat(Line[0], sprintf("%0.6f, ", R)); strcat(Line[1], sprintf("{%0.6f, %0.6f, %0.6f}, ", oX, oY, oZ)); printf("[%i] R: %0.6f S: %0.6f, %0.6f, %0.6f", (row * 20) + col, oX, oY, oZ, R); } strcat(Line[0], "\r\n"); strcat(Line[1], "\r\n"); fwrite(Sizes, Line[0]); fwrite(Offsets, Line[1]); } fclose(Sizes); fclose(Offsets);