[Plugin] YSF - kurta999's version

Why should pre-loading be inside of a plugin? I do agree some things may be faster with C++, but preloading animation libraries? Come on, we have gotten along just fine for years doing it through PAWN.

Kurta, there are many people who want to test the version 0.3.7. I am one of them, and we need your plugin to test properly. Please, get your YSF version to 0.3.7 soon!

Originally Posted by losrivarola98
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Kurta, there are many people who want to test the version 0.3.7. I am one of them, and we need your plugin to test properly. Please, get your YSF version to 0.3.7 soon!
It would be great

0.3.7 version will be released when 0.3.7 will be released as stable.

Originally Posted by Adoniiz
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You can fix the problem of ApplyAnimation? (the player is frozen for 1 sec when a player spawn because pre load anims)
You can do it within pawn.

16:09:12] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[16:09:12] [debug] #0 ?? in public Timing () from new.amx
[16:09:13] [debug] Run time error 7: "Stack underflow"
[16:09:13] [debug] Stack pointer (STK) is 0x13F428, stack top (STP) is 0x13F410
Console flood. Timing it's a timer, i delete all code but still flood
public Timing()
return true;

I noticed that when you shoot player objects OnPlayerWeaponShot isn't called when using YSF. I am using YSF R12 and 0.3z R4 Windows server.
I ran some tests, enabled / disabled Incognito's streamer plugin, Ran server alone and with YSF. Whenever I ran the YSF plugin hits to player objects wouldn't register any more.

It would be nice to see this fixed soon, and I hope I'm not only one with this issue...

A post on Incognito's plugin because I thought it might be the problem at first:

Fixed, tonight i'll release it as R12-2.

i still have problems with detecing player objects being shot, even in R12-2.
Tried with the code you posted in streamer plugin thread also.
public OnPlayerWeaponShot(playerid, weaponid, hittype, hitid, Float:fX, Float:fY, Float:fZ)
		    print("Detected Player Object");
			new streamerid = Streamer_GetItemStreamerID(playerid, STREAMER_TYPE_OBJECT, hitid);
				CallLocalFunction("OnPlayerShootDynamicObject", "dddfff", playerid, weaponid, streamerid, fX, fY, fZ);
	return 1;
Additional info: Server version: 0.3z R4, debian 6 x32, YSF built on Built on: Apr 7 2015 at 00:50:48.

Use compiled version git not updated yet to that where its fixed

Originally Posted by kurta999
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Use compiled version git not updated yet to that where its fixed
I dont know how to compile on debian :/
Does anyone have compiled R12-2 compiled who can share?

Originally Posted by Richie©
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I dont know how to compile on debian :/
Does anyone have compiled R12-2 compiled who can share?

I'm planning to implement Y_Less's timerfix plugin into YSF; What do you think guys?

(Of course, I would test it before on my live linux server)

I am personally using timerfix plugin by Dan, and I preffer to use that, because it got many additional functions. I don't think it would be a good idea to have something like that implemented in YSF (especially that I think you don't want to make it that advanced, with per-player timers, and many functions to get the timers details).

Okey, you're true. Then I won't implement.

Hi Kurta!
I get this error when I use "gmx" rcon command:
[15:29:53] [debug] #0 native GangZoneDestroy () from ysf.dll
[15:29:53] [debug] #1 000bc588 in ?? (0) from ifs2.amx
[15:29:53] [debug] #2 000ba8fc in public LoadDMGames () from ifs2.amx
And this will cause server shutdown.
My code for destroy:
PHP код:
Thanks in advance for your help.

Compile your mode with -d3, load crashdetect by Zeex and crash it again. The dump will display more useful informations and you'd even be able to fix it by yourself.

OnPlayerShootDynamicObject dosen't work with YSF included. ( both up to date )
[sampgdk:warning] Index mismatch for OnServerMessage (-10081 != -10080)

Could you add a callback which allows us to modify incoming packets ?

Can't run this plugin on samp 0.3.7 RC4 version.
And i got 2 error:
pawn Код:
\include\YSF.inc(132) : error 021: symbol already defined: "GetObjectModel"
\include\YSF.inc(144) : error 021: symbol already defined: "GetPlayerObjectModel"

Originally Posted by VinPure
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Can't run this plugin on samp 0.3.7 RC4 version.
And i got 2 error:
pawn Код:
\include\YSF.inc(132) : error 021: symbol already defined: "GetObjectModel"
\include\YSF.inc(144) : error 021: symbol already defined: "GetPlayerObjectModel"
Because it is not updated to work on it yet.

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