The Truth...

Originally Posted by Calgon
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I don't think anyone of any authority would really care about it. I would be worried if they did, there's plenty more of worse things going on in the World.

Abbott isn't the owner.
True but its still an offence, it isnt on like a mass company that afflicts their business and only NGRP are a registerd company, them being the accused DDoSer's will be the ones who if they decided to take action would be afflicted harsher as they are a registerd company. They would have to pay the company fine for DDoSing which is extensively more than a private DDoSer would pay. The chancs of it being thrown out as it is done under a childish act would b 99.9%.

It turns out since the last time I read up on DDoSing it has changed.


In the Police and Justice Act 2006, the United Kingdom specifically outlawed denial-of-service attacks and set a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison.

All that shit I said about fines might be still possible, but DDoSers look at a jail sentance if they are within the United Kingdom now, (Yes I'm trying to scare DDoSers here. DDoSing is a serious act that before DDoSing you SHOULD take into consideration the effects on you and your family, if you are under the legal age of responceabilt you parents will take the 10 year prison sentacne, If your mums name is on the Bill she will go Vice Versa with your dad!.

EDIT: For you guys in the US I would like to scare you to!


In the US, there can be a serious federal crime under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act with penalties that include years of imprisonment. Many other countries have similar laws.

The US situation is under court ruling with a case in California.

Heres a diagram on How DDoSing works

What I don't understand is how anyone is officially taking sides in this matter. And how are we supposed to have a mature, civilized discussion on a topic labeled "truth" when it's filled with 1 side of the story and a blog that's far from credible and entirely irrelevant towards your server's DDoSing issues?

"Bash NG:RP" would make for a better name at this point.

In order for someone to believe their story, you would have to believe that Abbott attacked his own server -- not in one instance

I don't know Abbott no more than I know of Devin.

You really should of kept this as a matter for Kyeman to handle(which he has done already) rather than try and create some riot in order to demonize the server.
Originally Posted by Haydn
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Originally Posted by Abbott
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They're the largest English/American speaking SA:MP server, they're an asset. But DDoSing is illegal and is way more serious than selling in game items for profit.

Originally Posted by Damian
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What I don't understand is how anyone is officially taking sides in this matter. And how are we supposed to have a mature, civilized discussion on a topic labeled "truth" when it's filled with 1 side of the story and a blog that's far from credible and entirely irrelevant towards your server's DDoSing issues?

"Bash NG:RP" would make for a better name at this point.

I don't know Abbott no more than I know of Devin.

You really should of kept this as a matter for Kyeman to handle(which he has done already) rather than try and create some riot in order to demonize the server.

In all fairness, NGRP has done a lot of this "bashing" too.

Two wrongs don't make a right; but there's surely a point where someone would lash out when they're being attacked and slandered. Considering how Horizon only told the players about what happened and didn't retalliate in any other way, I don't personally see it as a big deal. But I agree, this situation could've been handled a lot better internally without threads like these.

OKay in which case here is NGRP's side of the story for those who are too lazy to ****** it:


I'm sure that some of you may have heard about the latest lies of HRP, as they are proudly making announcements about it. At the beginning of this month we paid to have our IP's blacklisted (protected) from a popular booter website. There are several screenshots to prove the invoice we paid was to have our 4 IP's protected. Abbott and company then gained access to this account and used it to attack HRP and SAMP all in the hour or two on a single day. First of all, we have no reason to attack the SAMP Site... we were on the hosted list and the internet list, and they had just given us the 1,000 slot server package.

What Abbott (he lives in Australia) did not show when he took all of this screenshots, is where HE, himself logged into the account. Here is complete screenshot:


So what really happened: Abbott logged into, attacked SAMP and HRP - took screenshots and sent them to the SAMP Team to get us booted off the hosted list.

We have already been in contact with the SAMP Team and Kye has told us to request the logs of who requested the attacks against the SAMP Website. The booter website is working with us to provide those logs and we should have them to SAMP within the next 48 hours. Those logs will PROVE that Nick's IP only used this account to protect our IP's not attack any SAMP Servers. When these logs are sent to Kye, I'm sure not only will we be cleared of wrongdoing but I will also make a formal request that HRP be removed from the hosted and internet list for fraud in filing this report against us.

In the meantime be sure to have NGG added to your favorite list: - you will still be able to access the server by doing so. We have plenty of good events planned for Memorial Day weekend.

Further details will be provided as they become available. I'm sure you all can see this has a BULLSHIT stamp all over, signed and sealed by Abbott and promoted by HRP. As always - LONG LIVE NGG.

Devin Clark
Executive Director
Next Generation Gaming

EDIT: THis thread doesn't break any rules so if your considering stopping the thread, thats no fair on us as we are all payuing a interest as we want to see whats going to happen with this conreate evidance - Thats just a note.


You said Kyeman has already handled the situation. What exactly has he done?

Originally Posted by RealCop228
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You said Kyeman has already handled the situation. What exactly has he done?
They're off the master list.

Originally Posted by Damian
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They're off the master list.
For now, until NG:RP produce a log which they claim they have, therefore the matter has NOT yet been delt with.

now, they just need to get banned from hosted tab.
Idk when they're off from the master list, they're off on the hosted tab so.

Master is Internet and Hosted.
Originally Posted by IceCube!
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For now, until NG:RP produce a log which they claim they have, therefore the matter has NOT yet been delt with.
If they return to the master list then that means they have proven their innocence in this entire incident. Wishing death upon NG:RP and it's owner, and constantly demonizing it isn't proving anything in the meanwhile.

Originally Posted by Lorenc_
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The thing is, both servers are corrupt! So who gives a flying fuck?
How are we corrupt? We give people the chance to share and discuss their opinion and we give the players the fun they want to have without so many stupid rules.

Someone just sent me email headers:

Nick has had two subscriptions to the same booter on his email.

Someone from NGG took these with access and used some anon email sender to send it to me.


Originally Posted by Abbott
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Someone just sent me email headers:

Nick has had two subscriptions to the same booter on his email.

Someone from NGG took these with access and used some anon email sender to send it to me.

With the money NGG earned if they were to contact you they would have paid, making me think it was you as you aren't the owner of HRP so why you?

Originally Posted by IceCube!
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With the money NGG earned if they were to contact you they would have paid, making me think it was you as you aren't the owner of HRP so why you?
I got the original screenshots, I made the thread, I sent the evidence to SA:MP. HRP is owned by all of us, this isn't some little community with one owner e-whoring his/her e-penis around.

So your now calling servers with a reasonable player base with one owner power headed thats me then, oh and FYI Girls dont have Penises.

OT: I dont consider that valid proof as NG-RP isnt that foolish.

Originally Posted by IceCube!
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So your now calling servers with a reasonable player base power headed thats me then, oh and FYI Girls dont have Penises.

OT: I dont consider that valid proof as NG-RP isnt that foolish.
Are you stupid?

Those are email headers.

I'm not going to argue about this on this forum, sorry; Someone sent me email headers and they're completely legit by the looks, no more doubts about this.

Checking out of this thread now, talk amongst yourselves, play nice.

Originally Posted by Abbott
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Are you stupid?

Those are email headers.

I'm not going to argue about this on this forum, sorry; Someone sent me email headers and they're completely legit by the looks, no more doubts about this.

Checking out of this thread now, talk amongst yourselves, play nice.
No I'm not stupid plus it said 'Devon said' you have no proff Devon said ANYTHING it could just be somone jerking around.

I've never understood DDoSing at all. I know how it works, and I know what it does, but I've never got my head around why? Yes, I've been a victim of DoS/DDoS before on a few servers I've been at but I just don't see the point. It ruins the whole point of fun in a game, people just result to going to the extreme. It's like a form of internet terrorism, it's pathetic and ridiculous.

OT: To be honest, you can't really take sides on the situation. Neither HZRP or NGG are going to admit to doing the attack, or not doing it. Who knows, it could be a random player who just thought it'd be funny? Just lighten up.

Taking sides is NOT called for. What we need to look at is if this is actually what NGG is doing...they don't represent this kind of behavior. So I'm just confused as how 1 community is saying one thing, and the other is saying something else...

I haven't seen NGG go down...but looking at the SS's that were shows a lot. We can't say this information is true, but with the amount that HRP provided regarding their recent DDoS attacks makes things smell "fishy".

Originally Posted by kaisersouse
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FYI this has gotten people's attention.

Don't ask for any more detail than that.
It has...

EDIT: First post updated with EDIT #4 providing more evidence of the activity within NG-RP.

Originally Posted by kaisersouse
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I'm no shrink, but it just screams 'inferiority complex' to me.

If someone doesn't want to sign your documents, then don't 'employ' them. Threating to ban them entirely if they don't sign seems relatively extortionist to me.

Frankly after looking at those documents...they would NOT stand up in court at all. Those things would fall apart in front of any contract lawyer worth his salt.
They also CLAIM and act that they are a business. A business is not a gaming community, just because they make profit off a shop for a game....

Originally Posted by IceCube!
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I personally think its unfair on their players, player s pay money to keep the server running, with how much they make thats not to keep the server running thats to fund their personal lifes which in my eyes is wrong I would never spend server earnt money on anyhing but the server.
People pay over 1,000k just to get staff....or whatever they want their. It's been like that, and it's just corrupt how they run it.


So far I find your post look pretty dumb and ngrp negative.
I don't like NGRP aswell, mainly because of their "business" behaving, But you are like FINALLY NEW SERVERS, FINALLY SHITTY RP GONE.

Which is just extremly offtopic..

Originally Posted by Brandon Javorsky
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They also CLAIM and act that they are a business. A business is not a gaming community, just because they make profit off a shop for a game....
Not to defend anyone, but if they really are making substantial money from donations, they would want to LLC-up so that if they ever get into hot-water w/ the IRS, their personal assets can't be touched.

I'm working on LLC myself but its 90% for IRL IT work I'm doing on the side (and in conjunction w/ my current employer). That said, I'm putting all my game stuff under the same umbrella because I'm sure my wife would KILL me if someone put a lien on our house over video game crap.

Once you are an official business, you have to follow strict rules. Without passing any judgement in regards to the current warring parties...if whats happening is truly happening then certain people have opened themselves up to prosecution under multiple fair-business-practices laws (in the US anyways).

EDIT: I need to stop starting so many sentences w/ "that said"

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