San Andreas Battle Royale

Originally Posted by DTV
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Too many people working on the same thing lmao, why is br still popular?
There is no such thing as too many people working on a similar concept! Competition is healthy, it encourages top quality production. Your signature advertises a "wasteland roleplay" which is something that's been done over and over for years, I assume you do all that you can to make yours unique among the many others, so there's no reason at all that multiple BR modes won't do that too

That being said, I won't actually believe that any of these BR servers will be made until I see them made lol

Many people started a project that we thought will be unique and a game changer but none of them actually released anything (except for dignity's ww-rp which closed pretty quick) and some actually posted updates and sneak peaks of their work but I don't see anything here.
Originally Posted by Potassium
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That being said, I won't actually believe that any of these BR servers will be made until I see them made lol

would love to play on it

I've played multiple SAMP battle royale servers but I personally don't like them at all.
Let's see about yours tho.

imma waitin xd

Can't wait to see the outcome. Good Luck

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