Boring ? im bored!

Originally Posted by Meller
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This is what I did with my donations 😂

Donate to Kim Jong Un for doing such a great job in making North Korea an interesting country, so you can read about it on wikipedia

Jerk off if you are bored

Originally Posted by X337
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Jerk off if you are bored
+rep; worked perfectly

1. Because the game isn't fun.
2. And Russian.
3. If they are fun.
4. Make the server fun.
5. Because it will fail anyway.
What's the point of donating a dying server which I ain't going to stay for much.
No one will see my benefits, I want people to notice me, many of them and for a bigger period of time.

But why would you care about it anyway, servers aren't meant for profit.
Want profit? open a company, get a job or make a game/software which you can sell and people can call a "purchase" and not a "donate".

Charities aren't created with a mindset of "Oh, I'm gonna earn this green paper off people with cancer!"
If I'd donate, I'd expect the money to go to the server, to keep it alive for another month or for the vip benefits.
I'd feel disappointed if I'd donate and a few days later he tells everyone how he bought a new pc off donations.

Originally Posted by Kaperstone
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Charities aren't created with a mindset of "Oh, I'm gonna earn this green paper off people with cancer!"
Sad thing is that some "charities" have this exact mindset and use legal loopholes to make money off of people who are suffering.

Originally Posted by DTV
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Sad thing is that some "charities" have this exact mindset and use legal loopholes to make money off of people who are suffering.
I doubt a government would not close it.

Let's get honest for a second; donations should not give you anything. Donations are one thing, purchases are another.

It's the whole same thing such as people reefer features as systems, "dealership system", "login system".
As well as, "toys", "accessories", for player objects.

It's all a circle.

Originally Posted by Meller
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Let's get honest for a second; donations should not give you anything. Donations are one thing, purchases are another.

It's the whole same thing such as people reefer features as systems, "dealership system", "login system".
As well as, "toys", "accessories", for player objects.

It's all a circle.
That's the only reason people donate, to receive perks. But some devs go overboard and give them a shit ton of advantage over other players.

Originally Posted by Kaperstone
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I doubt a government would not close it.
You'd think but I imagine the government has bigger fish to fry, at least in the US. Example (not related to charity but I think it gets the point across), why is Scientology still a religion? They were caught, by the government, getting rid of government files that talked bad about Scientology. There's plenty of evidence that goes against them and the government hasn't done anything to stop them.

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