[Include] Single-Player Info Boxes

Originally Posted by Gammix
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"Just after the timer ends", meaningful ?
Originally Posted by Gammix
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"Just after the timer ends", meaningful ?
What don't you understand by "Timer IDs are never used twice.".

Timers don't re-use IDs, these increment consecutively. Timer IDs also start at 1; therefore, there is NO need to initialize variables or even reset them.

I'll use your example to explain this to you:

Let's say we use your function:

pawn Код:
HideInfoBox's ID is 1.

Now the timer ID stored is 1. Just after the timer ends, we execute a custom timer:

pawn Код:
SetTimer("very_important_timer", ...);
very_important_timer's ID is 2.

Its id is 1 as well, but just after execution, we use your function again (note the custom timer is still alive):

Its ID is 2!

pawn Код:
Kills timer ID 1.
HideInfoBox's ID is 3.

Your include kills "very_important_timer" timer, because as i previously mentioned, you don't have a check, or you don't reset the variable to "0" when the timers are no more running.

No it doesn't!

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