[FilterScript] CrapYoPants

Originally Posted by Hiddos
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I learnt pretty much nothing from the PAWN language guide, it's just an awful lot of words. Sure, if I really wanted to master every single aspect of PAWN I might take a look in it, but for people new to scripting/programming it's just terrible and it will only confuse you.

I personally learned a lot from trial-and-error scripting and looking at other scripts and how they did it, for example SeifAdmin (terribly outdated nowadays and it's hard to find a mirror), that's what I'd suggest to new people
I'm not new new although pawn was my first language. I have a firm grip on what i already know although sometimes I can f*ck up. I'm not looking to master it only say " Oh i want to create a ( something cool ) system" and know what to do. That's one of the main reason for a gamemode I'm making, so i can learn a lot from the language by having to build new things. The only thing that really mind f*cked me was zcmd source. I understand most things it's just the occasional code that is too complex / I've never seen before that confuses me. I have a bunch of coding books sitting on my shelf both for starters and advanced people yet only found time to do one book, so maybe on the weekend I'll read some c# and do some of that pawn pdf as well as *try to make some things in pawn and then maybe just maybe I'll be half decent ( doubt i'll even get half decent xD)

Can You Make a Chicken One??

Originally Posted by [L4T]Left4Theft
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Can You Make a Chicken One??
Yes it's possible of course. I'll do it today but at this moment I'm busy.

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