The Truth...

Originally Posted by Abbott
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SA:MP doesn't block servers that use the NGRP script to my knowledge, if you have further proof of them blocking servers for using NGRP script then i'd like to see it
They do, there were a lot of threads where people reported servers that use NGRP script, they all were blacklisted.

Originally Posted by Abbott
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SA:MP doesn't block servers that use the NGRP script to my knowledge, if you have further proof of them blocking servers for using NGRP script then i'd like to see it
If I wanted to waste my money I would however I can give 1st person proof.

A server called Silver ROleplay used NGRP and had a website, I played there it was NGG but it was heavily edited and I like it because of that, 3 weeks after I joined they went down I checked their site it had said they have been shut down which was tue because 1 month later they launched a 2nd server with Ravens Roleplay which wasn't sas good as the first server.

Here is what i have to say about the matter:

I think its not right that there claiming to be a business. This is only a game and it should NOT be counted as a buisness. It seems to get there you have to sign legal documents just to become one (Seriously?)

And ive also heard that you get paid for being staff there and you have to work a certain amount of hours.

Now that right there, is crazy.

The only people who should claim to be a buisness within SAMP is the hosting providers, Not the SAMP servers.

My two cents.

Originally Posted by ColorHost-Kevin
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Here is what i have to say about the matter:

I think its not right that there claiming to be a business. This is only a game and it should NOT be counted as a buisness. It seems to get there you have to sign legal documents just to become one (Seriously?)

And ive also heard that you get paid for being staff there and you have to work a certain amount of hours.

Now that right there, is crazy.

The only people who should claim to be a buisness within SAMP is the hosting providers, Not the SAMP servers.

My two cents.
They're not CLAIMING to be a business, they ARE a business, registered Limited Liability Company in Missouri.

if you want to have a good read, read the pdfs in there.

Originally Posted by Abbott
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They're not CLAIMING to be a business, they ARE a business, registered Limited Liability Company in Missouri.

if you want to have a good read, read the pdfs in there.
Interesting. Still, my point being is why would you become a buisness just for a game?

Originally Posted by ColorHost-Kevin
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Interesting. Still, my point being is why would you become a buisness just for a game?
Prior to it being NGG it was SARP, Devin and Nick took over and introduced all these new features (VIP included) with a shop, started from there. Devin realized how much cash he could get from it and turned the community into a huge cash register, poking the buttons on the scripters and money would come out of his shop.

Eventually he had to get it registered and pay tax on the money otherwise the tax man would of came after him. That sum that you see on that antingg blog isn't incorrect either, but that was taken around 6-7 months ago.

If you'd like a full story about how it started i'd be happy to PM it to you, but i'd rather not go off topic from the OP.

wow so unexpected.

But this kind of shit usually always happens.

Originally Posted by Abbott
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I'm not defending them in any way, I jumped from that sinking ship 2 years ago, merely saying that they're an asset, in the eyes of SAMP due to their size.
Yes, I do understand your not defending them as you were the blamed for these "attacks" on H-RP, but, the dude that has been posting for a while, gameboy or something and kaise said, it wont afflict SA-MP in anyways...

Originally Posted by Pizzy
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NGG should of been removed a long time ago, after all it was HIJACKED by devin - from stealing the original, SARP.

I miss the OLD SA-RP, not the NGG moneywhore roleplay.

I hope it stays blacklisted, I want to see that stupid business die, along with devin.
Me too used to play on SA-RP it's good and I've witness everything,Marcus got fooled by Devin.He permanent banned all of us with the NG-RP IP in it.Without SA-RP there will be no NG-RP.

Originally Posted by kaisersouse
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Yes. DDoSing only proves that you are insecure about your gamemode and have to resort to underhanded dirty tricks in order to succeed.

If the past has taught anyone anything...its that doing illegal shit to get ahead only last so long. When it comes crashing down...thats when the offenders realize it just wasn't worth it. The smart people figure this part out without needing to do anything illegal.
Agree'd anyone in their right mind wouldn't resort to DDoSing a completely illegal act to gain players thus casuing legal matters that can be pursed by the courts.

Originally Posted by Finn
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If it really is the biggest server out there, I wonder why the fuck do they DDoS other servers... For more players or what? lol
I have no idea, if its true I'd guess it would be to make their server look better as its not constantly going down.

Originally Posted by Saurik
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wow so unexpected.

But this kind of shit usually always happens.
Agree'd children like to cause legal bother for their parents and networking provider, and alll the court case shit above and the DDoSing crap I wrote on the other page, I'm not going to repeat myself .

Originally Posted by Derek_Westbrook
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Me too used to play on SA-RP it's good and I've witness everything,Marcus got fooled by Devin.He permanent banned all of us with the NG-RP IP in it.Without SA-RP there will be no NG-RP.
I will state this again, NG-RP will in no way afflict SAMP.

Originally Posted by Finn
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If it really is the biggest server out there, I wonder why the fuck do they DDoS other servers... For more players or what? lol
It is not the biggest server out there, check the Russian servers.
I'm wondering why would he DDoS SA-MP forums.

Originally Posted by WooTFTW
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It is not the biggest server out there, check the Russian servers.
I'm wondering why would he DDoS SA-MP forums.
He said 'If it really is' he was referring to the Biggest English speaking RP server. Which I again feel the need to say, It will not afflict SAMP in anyway so I dont understand why we're refering to player bases here.

Originally Posted by kaisersouse
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Frankly after looking at those documents...they would NOT stand up in court at all. Those things would fall apart in front of any contract lawyer worth his salt.
You, sir, are a double poster. Ban please. (bragging about your "no 120 seconds restriction" too )

You're right, however. A lot of the contracts are probably signed by 18- people, which is considered illegal in a lot of countries.

Apart from that, you are not allowed to hire anyone for free in my country. You can, however, do vollunteer work, but those have strict limits: it must be completely vulontary. Aka, they are not allowed to set any restrictions on it, they cannot say "you have to be online <x> time"


Originally Posted by Porsche911
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I don't think so, they have 507 players at the moment.
I said: "It'll slowly die out". Now it has a lot of players, okay.
Tomorrow, a lot of the less smart players won't find their server (if they haven't favourited it).
New players won't find the server.
After a while, old players will start leaving...

People leaving + no new people = dieing out.

Well, if the horizon roleplay received a ddos attack from ngg, let the hr take legal procedures to fix this issue.

Originally Posted by kikito
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Well, if the horizon roleplay received a ddos attack from ngg, let the hr take legal procedures to fix this issue.
I have already suggested this to Abbot in a PM, however he responded on a differnt topic making me think he doesnt want this to go that far.

Originally Posted by kikito
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Well, if the horizon roleplay received a ddos attack from ngg, let the hr take legal procedures to fix this issue.
You're welcome to pay for the legal fees involved in that, especially for a case that's likely to be thrown out.

Originally Posted by Calgon
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You're welcome to pay for the legal fees involved in that, especially for a case that's likely to be thrown out.
In ost cases if you win the case the offenders will pay the costs, if its drawn you will both pay half. This is an illegal offence and is a illegal matter which can be investigated by a law enforcement agency, however with out the court trail the punishment wont be as harsh. Aslong as he takes the evidance he as given to us and shows it to the law enforement agency, they will take this up as its partly linked to hacking, they elieve if you can DDoS you can go further than that and are a risk to meny internet users.

Originally Posted by IceCube!
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I have already suggested this to Abbot in a PM, however he responded on a differnt topic making me think he doesnt want this to go that far.
If he don't want, why did he posted it on his forums?
DDOS is illegal, and who done it NEED to be PUNISHED.
Since Abott is the owner of HR, He need to report the same to the authorities to take legal procedures for the attacker be punished.

@calgon, you pay first, but since ngg is the attacker, you will recieve your money, and the double of triple of it, from the attacker to pay the problems it have caused.

Originally Posted by IceCube!
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In ost cases if you win the case the offenders will pay the costs, if its drawn you will both pay half. This is an illegal offence and is a illegal matter which can be investigated by a law enforcement agency, however with out the court trail the punishment wont be as harsh.
I don't think anyone of any authority would really care about it. I would be worried if they did, there's plenty more of worse things going on in the World.

Originally Posted by kikito
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If he don't want, why did he posted it on his forums?
DDOS is illegal, and who done it NEED to be PUNISHED.
Since Abott is the owner of HR, He need to report the same to the authorities to take legal procedures for the attacker be punished.
Abbott isn't the owner, Zhao is.

Originally Posted by kikito
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@calgon, you pay first, but since ngg is the attacker, you will recieve your money, and the double of triple of it, from the attacker to pay the problems it have caused.
I understand that, but:
a) The case would probably be thrown out.
b) It's pathetic to take the legal route in this case; there's truly no point. The blacklisting from the master list is more than enough.

Originally Posted by Calgon
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Abbott isn't the owner, Zhao is.
My bad.
Sorry about it.

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