iTranslate - Translate Text from/in every language !!!

Originally Posted by RoamPT
Nice work dude, ohh could you compile it to Windows version?
Some dude in this topic was talking about a valid pwncurl.dll
Rip it off, try it and report me the result.
I`d be glad if it worked

I just made a php script that will make it possible to use the new http function with ****** translate.. Just use my webpage instead of ****** translate.. My php script takes the translation from ****** and converts it to plain text This is an example:******/?msg=hej&langin=sv&langout=en

That link will translate the Swedish word "hej" to English "hi" So after msg= you insert the text you wont to translate.. after langin= you insert the lang you wont to translate from and after langout= you put the lang you wont to translate to.

Only one downside is that my php script doesn't support auto detection of langs I'm working on it but it's hard.. Also note this will be some ms slower then contacting ****** directly..

A pawno example:

new url[255];
format(url,255,"******/msg=%s&langin=%s&langout=%s","I'm testing","en","sv");
HTTP(fromplayer, HTTP_GET ,url, "", "TranslateChatMessage");


why such a big array for a something that is only 126 long at MAX?
or isnt it just for chat?

your good this is amazing

i think may be you can use plugin to get translation from ****** or Yahoo, this maybe more correct


i think may be you can use plugin to get translation from ****** or Yahoo, this maybe more correct

Genious Idea...


why such a big array for a something that is only 126 long at MAX?
or isnt it just for chat?

This can be also used for dialogs or anything, that needs to be translated...


I just made a php script that will make it possible to use the new http function with ****** translate..

Im a Veteran of inventing new things, but kalgon made it native and more easy to handle with.
NOW you can use the new http function, and it will be way better.

So, let this script die in peace, and make your own script instead.
With the new functions, its not a challenge anymore...

Great job with this, I expect it will become widley used

- Callump01

Very useful and practical! It is very hard to create can also tell the program! Good job! Continue all the way!

Good Job I'll download it

can you add version for 0.3b ? 0.3b has got included HTTP client

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