Repair ID

I have a problem with saving repair id and which it won't load.

prints in database,

PickupID	pux	puy	puz 	
-1 	-2030.85 	179.518 	28.8359

-1 	-2027.27 	172.638 	28.8359

-1 	-2033.39 	175.956 	28.8429
which it keep using -1

public OnGameModeInit()

    for(new i = 0; i != sizeof(ARepairPickups); i++)
	ARepairPickups[i][PickupID] = -1;
	mysql_tquery(MySQL, "SELECT * FROM repair_pickups", "OnLoadRepairPickups");

forward OnLoadRepairPickups(playerid);
public OnLoadRepairPickups()
	new count;
	cache_get_row_count(count); // Get total rows
    for(new i; i < count; i++)
        cache_get_value_name_int(0, "PickupID", ARepairPickups[i][PickupID]);
        cache_get_value_float(0, "pux",ARepairPickups[i][pux]);
        cache_get_value_float(0, "puy",ARepairPickups[i][puy]);
        cache_get_value_float(0, "puz",ARepairPickups[i][puz]);
	return 1;

AddARepairPickups(Float:x, Float:y, Float:z)
	for (new i; i < sizeof(ARepairPickups); i++)
		if (ARepairPickups[i][PickupID] == -1)
			ARepairPickups[i][PickupID] = CreatePickup(3096, 1, x, y, z, 0);
			ARepairPickups[i][pux] = x;
			ARepairPickups[i][puy] = y;
			ARepairPickups[i][puz] = z;
			Create3DTextLabel("{FFFF00}Type {00FF00}/repair {FFFF00}to repair your vehicle!", -1, x, y, z +0.5, 50.0, 0);
			CreateDynamicMapIcon(x, y, z, 27, 0, 0, 0, -1, 300.0);
			printf("PickupID: %d, PosX: %.4f, PosY: %.4f, PosZ: %.4f",ARepairPickups[i][PickupID],x,y,z);

	for(new i; i != sizeof(ARepairPickups); i++)
		if(ARepairPickups[i][PickupID] != -1)
			printf("IsPlayerAtRepair: PosX: %.4f, PosY: %.4f, PosZ: %.4f",ARepairPickups[i][pux], ARepairPickups[i][puy], ARepairPickups[i][puz]);

		if(ARepairPickups[i][PickupID] != -1 && IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 5.0, ARepairPickups[i][pux], ARepairPickups[i][puy], ARepairPickups[i][puz]))
			return true;

	return false;

CMD:createrepair(playerid, params[])
   new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z;
   new query[128];
   if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] < 2) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOUR_RED, "Administrator status required.");
   GetPlayerPos(playerid, x, y, z);
   AddARepairPickups(x, y, z);
   mysql_format(MySQL, query, 128, "INSERT INTO `repair_system` (`PickupID`, `pux`,`puy`,`puz`) VALUES (%d, %f, %f, %f)",ARepairPickups[playerid][PickupID], x, y, z); // Use %f specifier here, because we insert float for pux puy puz
   mysql_tquery(MySQL, query, "AddARepairPickups", "ffff", ARepairPickups[playerid][PickupID], x, y, z); // AddARepairPickups must be a public function
   return 1;

Messages In This Thread
Repair ID - by DerickClark - 25.03.2019, 15:39
Re: Repair ID - by iorp - 25.03.2019, 15:57
Re: Repair ID - by DerickClark - 25.03.2019, 16:05
Re: Repair ID - by iorp - 25.03.2019, 16:07
Re: Repair ID - by DerickClark - 25.03.2019, 16:08
Re: Repair ID - by iorp - 25.03.2019, 16:11
Re: Repair ID - by DerickClark - 26.03.2019, 01:23

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