
Let me guess your problem:
You are trying to divide with zero...

When the player has hits but never missed, they will get that error in commands.

You need to check first if MissedWeaponHits has positive value, then you can divide with it. When both is zero, simply tells the player has no accuracy, otherwise 100% accuracy.

Messages In This Thread
Format returning SERVER:UNKNOWN COMMAND - by kovac - 21.06.2018, 02:40
Re: Format returning SERVER:UNKNOWN COMMAND - by AgusZ - 21.06.2018, 02:50
Re: Format returning SERVER:UNKNOWN COMMAND - by kovac - 21.06.2018, 02:53
Re: Format returning SERVER:UNKNOWN COMMAND - by Shadow0707 - 21.06.2018, 06:40
Re: Format returning SERVER:UNKNOWN COMMAND - by RoboN1X - 21.06.2018, 06:45

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