Arguement Type Mismatch

The line giving error:

PHP код:
    new Dist GetPlayerDistanceFromPoint(playeridSafe[sid][safe_Pos][0], Safe[sid][safe_Pos][1], Safe[sid][safe_Pos][2]);
This =>>   PlayerTextDrawSetString(playerideditthis[playerid], Dist); 
The error:
error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 3)
I don't understand what's wrong.

Messages In This Thread
Arguement Type Mismatch - by Uvais - 19.06.2018, 18:24
Re: Arguement Type Mismatch - by Lokii - 19.06.2018, 18:30
Re: Arguement Type Mismatch - by Private200 - 19.06.2018, 19:47

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