Issue with Cars

Well, I currently have a Stunt/Dm server etc.
But the issue is, I have set boundaries on the Dm places, so the pilots in the Hydra's cant get out of the Area, but I still think people will have the intelligence to come along and steal the planes without teleporting there...
So can Anyone provide a code that would make it possible to Lock the Vehicle or Eject the user on entering it if he hasn't teleported to my /adm tele
Or even provide a link to a place where I can learn it, and not links to websites, I mean direct links to the actual page etc.

Messages In This Thread
Issue with Cars - by zappydude - 11.02.2009, 23:22
Re: Issue with Cars - by zappydude - 12.02.2009, 00:28
Re: Issue with Cars - by Backwardsman97 - 12.02.2009, 00:37
Re: Issue with Cars - by zappydude - 12.02.2009, 16:25

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