
public OnPlayerWeaponShot( playerid, weaponid, hittype, hitid, Float:fX, Float:fY, Float:fZ )
		new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z;
        GetPlayerPos(playerid, x, y, z);
        if ((weaponid < 22 || weaponid > 38) || !(-20000.0 <= z <= 20000.0) || !(0 <= hittype <= 4) || !IsPlayerConnected(playerid))
			return 0;
return 1;
it does work when crasher is on foot and using bullet crasher ON FOOT.

it doesn't work when u have any weapon in hand and u using BuLLET crasher (Vehicle).

Kindly help me out to stop the player crasher.

yesterday it was 98 player in server he keep coming and using that. I've all anti crasher but he sending bad
data while sitting in vehicle as DRIVER | PASSENGER.

i think he changing vehicle seat quickly. To caught him i made this.
this code caught us when we are testing that cheat but that crasher still using same cheat while sitting on car
seat as Passenger.
public OnPlayerStateChange(playerid, newstate, oldstate)
	if(newstate == PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER || newstate == PLAYER_STATE_PASSENGER)
        if(GetPVarInt(playerid,"BulletCrash") > gettime() )return KICK_MESSAGE(playerid,"Cleo Mod");
		SetPVarInt(playerid,"BulletCrash",gettime() + 1);
return 1;

Messages In This Thread
ANTI BULLET CRASHER Not working - by MBilal - 18.02.2018, 04:49
Re: ANTI BULLET CRASHER Not working - by RogueDrifter - 18.02.2018, 04:54
Re: ANTI BULLET CRASHER Not working - by MBilal - 18.02.2018, 05:00
Re: ANTI BULLET CRASHER Not working - by RogueDrifter - 18.02.2018, 05:05
Re: ANTI BULLET CRASHER Not working - by MBilal - 18.02.2018, 09:52
Re: ANTI BULLET CRASHER Not working - by Mugala - 18.02.2018, 10:24
Re: ANTI BULLET CRASHER Not working - by MBilal - 18.02.2018, 10:32
Re: ANTI BULLET CRASHER Not working - by MBilal - 19.02.2018, 11:59

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