
Hello everyone im making a lottery system but i need help here!!!!

The Timer:-

My problem is I Want it given him the message at 6:00 and lottery winning's at 16:00 how should i did it?... i already make a timer and everything is done but i dont knw what is timers like

15000 = what ... so can u help me?

EDITED:- I Want LottoShow()must be show at 6:00
new time;
forward LottoShow();
public LottoShow()
   new string[256];
   format(string, sizeof(string), "{00FF00}[LOTTERY]: The current Jackpot is: $%d The Lottery will be draw in 4 game Hours!",Jackpot);
   SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_WHITE, string);
   time = SetTimer("LottoWiner",15000,1);
   return 1;

And this at 16:00
forward LottoWiner();
public LottoWiner()
	new rand = randomEx(1,MAX_NUMBERS);
	if(rand < MAX_NUMBERS - 3) { rand += 3; }
	Timer = SetTimer("LottoShow", 1000*(LottoTime*60), 1);

Is this you want?> pls help

Messages In This Thread
Timer. - by Man43 - 21.04.2017, 17:34
Re: Timer. - by [G]am3r - 21.04.2017, 17:49
Re: Timer. - by Man43 - 21.04.2017, 18:04
Re: Timer. - by Sew_Sumi - 21.04.2017, 18:19
Re: Timer. - by Vince - 21.04.2017, 18:58

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