Textdraws get darker

Why does my bar textdraw (using a box) change it's color to black when I walk and it goes back to the normal color when I don't move?

PHP код:
newsbar[0] = TextDrawCreate(0.999987442.207885"_");
TextDrawLetterSize(newsbar[0], 0.4046660.438517);
TextDrawTextSize(newsbar[0], 641.0000000.000000);
TextDrawAlignment(newsbar[0], 1);
TextDrawColor(newsbar[0], -1);
TextDrawUseBox(newsbar[0], 1);
TextDrawBoxColor(newsbar[0], 170);
TextDrawSetShadow(newsbar[0], 0);
TextDrawSetOutline(newsbar[0], 0);
TextDrawBackgroundColor(newsbar[0], 255);
TextDrawFont(newsbar[0], 1);
TextDrawSetProportional(newsbar[0], 0);
TextDrawSetShadow(newsbar[0], 0); 

Messages In This Thread
Textdraws get darker - by iamjems - 25.11.2016, 20:41
Re: Textdraws get darker - by Alvitr - 25.11.2016, 20:46
Re: Textdraws get darker - by iamjems - 25.11.2016, 21:10
Re: Textdraws get darker - by Alvitr - 25.11.2016, 21:18

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