/clan invite [id]

Why does this code sends me nothing, even a message?
INPUT: /clan invite
OUTPUT: USAGE: /clan invite [id]

INPUT: /clan invite 0
OUTPUT: Nothing

INPUT: /clan invite Player
OUTPUT: Nothing

CMD:clan(playerid, params[])
	new type[128];
	if(sscanf(params,"s[128]",type)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, ""COL_GRAY"USAGE: /clan [create/leave/help]");
	if(!strcmp(type, "invite"))
	    new id, string[128];
		if(sscanf(params,"s[128]u",type,id)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, ""COL_GRAY"USAGE: /clan invite [id/part of name]");
		format(string, sizeof(string), ""COL_GRAY"You have been invited to join '%s (%d)'. To join them, please use /clan join.", GetPlayerClanName(playerid), GetPlayerClanID(playerid));
		SendClientMessage(id, -1, string);
        return 1;

Messages In This Thread
/clan invite [id] - by TheSimpleGuy - 20.05.2016, 07:10
Respuesta: /clan invite [id] - by Thewin - 20.05.2016, 07:22
Re: /clan invite [id] - by TheSimpleGuy - 20.05.2016, 07:27
Respuesta: /clan invite [id] - by Thewin - 20.05.2016, 07:28
Re: /clan invite [id] - by Konstantinos - 20.05.2016, 09:05
Re: /clan invite [id] - by TheSimpleGuy - 20.05.2016, 14:11
Re: /clan invite [id] - by TheSimpleGuy - 20.05.2016, 15:46
Re: /clan invite [id] - by TheSimpleGuy - 21.05.2016, 03:42
Re: /clan invite [id] - by Naresh - 21.05.2016, 04:07

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