[Include] Admin System - admin system with many features

Admin System

This is the administration system that has a lot of opportunities and very simple and clear in use at the same time.

* Multi-level spectate system
* Panel for administrators when you click on a player in Tab
* General admin panel with items depending on the level
* Ability to specify several players in one command at once
* Messages of administration's actions are displayed only for administrators and the specified player
* Interaction with RCon (logged into RCon become administrators)
* Ability to cancel the last typed command
* Dynamic panel with suspected players

Some commands allow you to enter keywords instead of parameters, for example, "/spec off" will do the same as the command "/specoff".
Also you can omit the parameters in some commands, so then the command will work on the one who typed it.
The commands will work on any cmd processor! (except rCmd).

HTML Code:
/report [text] - send an question/complaint to administration

Level 1:
/achat [text] - Admin chat
/ahelp - Help with admin commands
/showstats [id] - Show player's statistics
/answer [id] [text] - Respond on player's report
/apanel - Admin panel with all available commands
/admins - List of online administrators
/eject [id] - Remove player from vehicle

Level 2:
/spec [id] - Begin spectate player
/spawnveh [vehicle id] - Teleport vehicle to respawn
/(un)mute [id] [time] [reason] - Mute/unmute player
/asay [text] - Message: "Administrator: [text]"
/warn [id] [reason] - Give warn to player
/kick [id] [reason] - Kick player from the server
/(un)freeze [id] - Freeze/unfreeze player
/slap [id] [reason] - Slap player
/goto [id] - Teleport to player

Level 3:
/suspectlist - List of suspected players
/gethere [id] - Teleport player to yourself
/gotoveh [vehicle id] - Teleport to vehicle
/ban [id] [reason] - Ban player's account
/gmtest [id] - Check for infinite health
/spawn [id] - Teleport player to respawn
/unwarn [id] - Remove warn from player
/banip [IP] - Block IP address
/cc - Clear chat

Level 4:
/sethealth [id] [health] - Set health to player
/setarmour [id] [armour] - Set armour to player
/setmoney [id] [money] - Set money to player
/setskin [id] [skin id] - Set skin to player
/setint [id] [interior] - Set interior to player
/setvw [id] [number] - Set virtual world to player
/giveweapon [id] [weapon] [ammo] - Give weapon to player
/repairveh [vehicle id] - Repair vehicle
/unbanip [IP] - Unblock IP address

Level 5:
/getall - Teleport all to yourself
/setweather [number] - Set weather
/settime [hour] - Set time of day
/destroyveh [vehicle id] - Destroy vehicle
/veh [vehicle id] [color 1] [color 2] - Create vehicle
/sban [id] - Silent ban
/skick [id] - Silent kick
If you have an accounts system, some functions below will be useful.

public OnPlayerBan(playerid, gaveid, bool:sban)
PHP Code:
playerid The ID of the player who will be banned
The ID of the player who gave a ban
- If the ban is silent (true) or not (false)
This callback does not return any values 
public OnPlayerKick(playerid, gaveid, bool:skick)
PHP Code:
playerid The ID of the player who will be kicked
The ID of the player who gave a kick
- If the kick is silent (true) or not (false)
This callback does not return any values 
public OnPlayerWarn(playerid, gaveid, count)
PHP Code:
playerid The ID of the player who will be warned
The ID of the player who gave a warn
The amount of warnings that 'playerid' have at the moment (including last given)
This callback does not return any values 
IsPlayerAdminEx(playerid, lvl = 1)
PHP Code:
playerid The ID of the player whose admin level we want to check
Players admin level we check (if not specifiedwill be equal to 1)
Returns 1 if the player have the admin level equal to or greater than specified in the 'lvl'
Returns 0 if the player does not have this admin level 
PHP Code:
playerid The ID of the player whose admin level we want to get
Returns the admin level of the specified player 
SetPlayerAdminLevel(playerid, lvl)
PHP Code:
playerid The ID of the player for which you need to set the admin level
The admin level you want to set the player
Returns 1 
if the function executed successfully
Returns 0 
if the specified player is not connected
-if the level is entered incorrectly 
SendMessageToAdmins(lvl, color, const msg[])
PHP Code:
lvl The admin level required to obtain this message
The color of the message which will be sent
The string with the message
Always returns 1 
PHP Code:
playerid The ID of the player whose remaining mute time you want to know
Returns the remained time of mute 
for the specified player in seconds (is not muted
SetPlayerMuteTime(playerid, time)
PHP Code:
playerid The ID of the player for which you need to set the mute time
The mute time (in secondsyou need to set the player
Returns 1 
if the function executed successfully
Returns 0 
if the specified player is not connected
-if the time is entered incorrectly 
PHP Code:
playerid The ID of the player which you want to add to the list of suspects
Returns 1 
if the function executed successfully
Returns 0 
if the specified player is not connected 
PHP Code:
playerid The ID of the player which should be removed from the list of suspects
Returns 1 
if the function executed successfully
Returns 0 
if the specified player is not connected 
PHP Code:
Returns the number of removed players from the list 
Installation and use:
1. Download admsys.inc on the links below and copy in pawno\include
2. Open your gamemode and add to the beginning: "#include <admsys>", compile changed script
3. Optionally, you can add delivery of the admin rights to all administrators when they login (in the account load)

If you want to add saving of the admin rights after disconnecting, use SetPlayerAdminLevel function (see "Functions"), add it to your account load and GetPlayerAdminLevel function to account save.

If you want to add some actions when a player gets ban, kick or warn, add in your gamemode publics OnPlayerBan, OnPlayerKick and OnPlayerWarn.

If you want to see "the suspected players" in the panel with these suspects players, use the AddPlayerInSuspectList function to add the player to the list of suspects, and RemovePlayerFromSuspectList to remove.

MediaFire Pastebin (v2.6)

* Added a shorter alternative names for several commands

* Added an ability to display player connection messages for admins
* Added an ability to display kill list for admins (enabled by default)
* Added alternative names for "/banip" and "/unbanip" commands ("/blockip" and "/unblockip")

* Ability to define the settings before the include
* OnPlayerBan, OnPlayerKick and OnPlayerWarn are now called from all filterscripts
* Removed additional y_hooks support
* Minor improvements and bug fixes

* SetPlayerAdminLevel and SetPlayerMuteTime functions now return -1 if the second argument is specified incorrectly

* Fixed return values in some callback functions

* Now when you spectate dead player you will still see him
* Chat cleaning now cleans chat for 30 messages
* Minor improvements

* Added SetPlayerMuteTime function
* Added check of the admin level argument for SetPlayerAdminLevel function
* Fixed return values in some functions

* Now administrator can apply the punishments to himself
* Added a prohibition of certain actions if the player is in spectator mode

* Fixed bug with calling dialogs

* Reduced the likelihood of coincidence dialog ids with ids in other fs/gm
* Fixed compilation error that occurred when trying to use it together with izcmd

* Compatibility with y_hooks
* Compatibility with foreach
* Minor improvements

* Added check for some commands (you can't give warn/kick/ban admins higher level)

* Compatible with Nexius's Update Checker

* Small optimization

* "/kick" command is available for admin level 2
* Added the ability to display the administration's actions messages to all players
* Minor corrections in the localization

* Minor improvements

* Initial release
They are not found at the moment. If you find any bug - please let me know.

DeimoS, _leon_lacartez_ - ideas and suggestions
Magic_York, Vitalik_Gonsor, RobertoYork, TheHero, Error4o4 - testing

Enjoy using :)

Messages In This Thread
Admin System - admin system with many features - by OstGot - 18.04.2016, 17:38
Re: Admin System - admin system with many features - by Max_Andolini - 18.04.2016, 17:59
Re: Admin System - admin system with many features - by Gammix - 18.04.2016, 18:01
Re: Admin System - admin system with many features - by OstGot - 18.04.2016, 18:07
Re: Admin System - admin system with many features - by Gammix - 18.04.2016, 18:33
Re: Admin System - admin system with many features - by OstGot - 18.04.2016, 18:42
Re: Admin System - admin system with many features - by Gammix - 18.04.2016, 19:27
Respuesta: Admin System - admin system with many features - by aoEXE - 18.04.2016, 19:47
Re: Admin System - admin system with many features - by HydraHumza - 18.04.2016, 20:04
Re: Admin System - admin system with many features - by OstGot - 25.04.2016, 12:40
Re: Admin System - admin system with many features - by Crayder - 25.04.2016, 12:48
Re: Admin System - admin system with many features - by codectile - 25.04.2016, 14:02
Re: Admin System - admin system with many features - by Gammix - 25.04.2016, 14:21
Re: Admin System - admin system with many features - by Yashas - 29.04.2016, 13:30
Re: Admin System - admin system with many features - by OstGot - 03.06.2016, 14:40
Re: Admin System - admin system with many features - by OstGot - 13.06.2016, 13:18
Re: Admin System - admin system with many features - by OstGot - 19.06.2016, 13:44
Re: Admin System - admin system with many features - by Max_Andolini - 19.06.2016, 13:51
Re: Admin System - admin system with many features - by Alnadhiry - 21.06.2016, 23:59
Re: Admin System - admin system with many features - by OstGot - 27.06.2016, 11:28
Re: Admin System - admin system with many features - by Touati - 30.06.2016, 18:08
Re: Admin System - admin system with many features - by OstGot - 25.11.2016, 15:14
Re: Admin System - admin system with many features - by OstGot - 25.12.2016, 19:18
Re: Admin System - admin system with many features - by OstGot - 03.01.2017, 15:10
Re: Admin System - admin system with many features - by Kruno88 - 03.01.2017, 15:28
Re: Admin System - admin system with many features - by OstGot - 18.02.2017, 21:05
Re: Admin System - admin system with many features - by OstGot - 30.03.2017, 22:42
Re: Admin System - admin system with many features - by Man43 - 16.04.2017, 11:13
Re: Admin System - admin system with many features - by J0sh... - 16.04.2017, 11:57
Re: Admin System - admin system with many features - by Man43 - 16.04.2017, 12:05
Re: Admin System - admin system with many features - by OstGot - 17.04.2017, 14:13
Re: Admin System - admin system with many features - by OstGot - 10.06.2017, 19:16
Re: Admin System - admin system with many features - by MixalisSAMP - 16.06.2017, 17:10
Re: Admin System - admin system with many features - by Astralis - 16.06.2017, 17:26
Re: Admin System - admin system with many features - by OstGot - 09.08.2017, 20:19
Re: Admin System - admin system with many features - by SvoleX - 22.01.2018, 05:08
Re: Admin System - admin system with many features - by OstGot - 23.01.2018, 21:28
Re: Admin System - admin system with many features - by Ultrashot - 18.11.2018, 15:18
Re: Admin System - admin system with many features - by OstGot - 02.07.2020, 09:09

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