How can I fit the object position next to the player

Hey guys, as far as I have been told in the forums, If I want to script a stoppable stretcher system then I should do it using SetObjectPos over OnPlayerUpdate, and so I tried
But the offsets are too weird, sometimes I fly on the stretcher beacuse im on it's front
How can I do the Rotation to be on the LEFT of the character no matter what his angle is

Current code:
PHP код:
if(MovingStretcher[playerid] == 1)
Float:pos[3], Float:A;
GetPlayerPos(playeridpos[0], pos[1], pos[2]);
SetObjectPos(StretcherObj[playerid], pos[0]-1.00pos[1], pos[2]-0.50);
SetObjectRot(StretcherObj[playerid], 0.000.00A);

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