Spy Class 3dTextLabel delete problem?

Hi all,

İ'm add spy class gamemode.But i have a problem..When selecting players spy class 3dtextlabel delete.

				case 0:
			        if(gClass[playerid] == SPY)
			            SetPlayerSkin(playerid, 73);
			            SetPlayerColor(playerid, TEAM_EURASIA_COLOR);
                        Update3DTextLabelText(RankLabel[playerid], 0x15FF0044, " ");
                        BilgiMesajiGonder(playerid, "İngiltere takımına ajan olarak sızdın.");

				    case 1:
			        if(gClass[playerid] == SPY)
			            SetPlayerSkin(playerid, 254);
			            SetPlayerColor(playerid, TEAM_ARAB_COLOR);
                        Update3DTextLabelText(RankLabel[playerid], 0xFFAF0244, " ");
						BilgiMesajiGonder(playerid, "Arabistan takımına ajan olarak sızdın.");

				    case 2:
			        if(gClass[playerid] == SPY)
 					    SetPlayerSkin(playerid, 285);
		         	    SetPlayerColor(playerid, TEAM_SOVIET_COLOR);
                        Update3DTextLabelText(RankLabel[playerid], 0xFF000044, " ");
						BilgiMesajiGonder(playerid, "Rusya takımına ajan olarak sızdın.");

			        case 3:
			        if(gClass[playerid] == SPY)
			            SetPlayerSkin(playerid, 287);
			            SetPlayerColor(playerid, TEAM_USA_COLOR);
                        Update3DTextLabelText(RankLabel[playerid], 0x0080FF44, " ");
						BilgiMesajiGonder(playerid, "Amerika takımına ajan olarak sızdın.");

		            case 4:
			        if(gClass[playerid] == SPY)
			            SetPlayerSkin(playerid, 206);
			            SetPlayerColor(playerid, TEAM_AUS_COLOR);
                        Update3DTextLabelText(RankLabel[playerid], 0x69006944, " ");
						BilgiMesajiGonder(playerid, "Almanya takımına ajan olarak sızdın.");
The team selected don't see new team 3dtextlabel

Messages In This Thread
Spy Class 3dTextLabel delete problem? - by PrednizoN - 16.04.2016, 16:34
Re: Spy Class 3dTextLabel delete problem? - by PrednizoN - 19.04.2016, 08:50
Re: Spy Class 3dTextLabel delete problem? - by itsCody - 19.04.2016, 08:57
Re: Spy Class 3dTextLabel delete problem? - by PrednizoN - 19.04.2016, 16:25
Re: Spy Class 3dTextLabel delete problem? - by itsCody - 19.04.2016, 21:41

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