Edit every user file in scriptfiles/accounts

How can I edit every userfile located in scriptfiles/accounts from IG using ZCMD?

As example I use this for unbanning players.
	if(!fexist(filestring)) return SendClientMessage(playerid,Lime, "The name you've chosen was not found in our database ");
		new INI:File = INI_Open(filestring);
		INI_SetTag(File, "data");
		INI_WriteInt(File, "Banned",0);
But I don't want to type the name where the Tag must be editted from.
I want to edit EVERY userfile in the accounts folder to be editted with the tag typed.

Can somebody help with that?

Messages In This Thread
Edit every user file in scriptfiles/accounts - by faff - 29.12.2015, 22:28
Re: Edit every user file in scriptfiles/accounts - by jamesbond007 - 29.12.2015, 23:32
Re: Edit every user file in scriptfiles/accounts - by Gammix - 30.12.2015, 01:24

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