Mystery lag

In my server there are occasionally wierd lags. Like when people drive around then some players teleport backwards and then thrusting forward in supernatural speed. The lag gets more intense as the player count grows. Wierd thing is... the smaller your playerid, the less lag you will encounter and produce. If you're bigger playerid, then you're lagging in other player vision awfully lot. Like players with 0-30 playerid's are pretty much okay. But over that most of the players start to lag... like in following video.

Preview about the lag 2:45-2:55 & around 3:28:

Resource usage (calculated by server monitoring):
RAM: ~60-150 MB
CPU (0 players): ~50 MHz
CPU (100 players): ~500 MHz

Server itself has 4GB RAM and CPU which has ~2450MHz (multicore).

Im using things like:
- (R33/R34 if Im not mistaken...)
- (newest release)

- zcmd
- sscanf2
- cuffs
- getvehiclecolor
- gl_common
- gpcwv
- strlib
- alltextures
- zones
- Some YSI files also (but not many of them... only 2-3 of them... + sscanf)

Gamemode & Filterscripts are compiled and running on with newest GTA SA:MP server files.
Dynamic Objects in total ~14 000 (all of those objects are very specifically set to only specific Interior IDs where they are needed for use)

Does anyone know what might cause this kind of behaviour? Im really looking forward to fix that. Probably something in my script but I don't know what.
Also for extra information Im not using OnPlayerUpdate much to make stuff in that callback. I made my own player handling function which is called out once in a second where every player gets 'for cycled' and where all the logic towards player is done.

Messages In This Thread
Mystery lag - by Caupo - 19.11.2015, 03:00
Re: Mystery lag - by [ABK]Antonio - 19.11.2015, 04:11
Re: Mystery lag - by Dokins - 19.11.2015, 08:30
Re: Mystery lag - by Caupo - 20.11.2015, 22:03

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