Public() help

Can someone tell me why this GMChange public doesn't show the random game that has been changed in a message?

public GMChange()
        case 0: SendRconCommand("changemode gmone");
        case 1: SendRconCommand("changemode gmtwo");
        case 2: SendRconCommand("changemode gmthree");
        case 3: SendRconCommand("changemode gmfour");
   new modestring[128], ircs[128];
   format(modestring,sizeof(modestring),">> Your next mission will be: {F2C80C}%s {FFFFFF}...please wait.",random(4));
   format(ircs,sizeof(ircs),">> Changing mission, next will be: %s", random(4));
   IRC_GroupSay(groupID, IRC_CHANNEL, ircs);
   return 1;

Messages In This Thread
Public() help - by Face9000 - 08.10.2015, 21:24
Re: Public() help - by Jefff - 08.10.2015, 21:57
Re: Public() help - by Face9000 - 09.10.2015, 09:44
Re: Public() help - by Hessu - 09.10.2015, 10:02
Re: Public() help - by Evocator - 09.10.2015, 10:09
Re: Public() help - by jlalt - 09.10.2015, 10:10
Re: Public() help - by AbyssMorgan - 09.10.2015, 10:28
Re: Public() help - by Sew_Sumi - 09.10.2015, 13:30
Re: Public() help - by Face9000 - 09.10.2015, 20:14
Re: Public() help - by AbyssMorgan - 09.10.2015, 20:20

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