[ PHP ] How do I select a word from a string?

Hello. I have sentence "Lunoxx sold a car.".
I just select "Lunoxx" and "car", how can I do this?

Thanks ! Sorry for my bad english

Messages In This Thread
[ PHP ] How do I select a word from a string? - by Lunoxel - 08.10.2015, 16:40
AW: [ PHP ] How do I select a word from a string? - by Nero_3D - 08.10.2015, 18:06
Re: [ PHP ] How do I select a word from a string? - by Lunoxel - 08.10.2015, 18:32
Re: [ PHP ] How do I select a word from a string? - by Ahmad45123 - 08.10.2015, 18:54

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