[FilterScript] Vip System V.10 by Sweet (Wiper)

Vip System V.10 by Sweet (Wiper)

Hello guys, it's a long time from my last posted FS , so i decided to code another one, much complex.

  • That is a V.I.P Filterscript, who have 3 V.I.P levels:
    1. Bronze
    2. Silver
    3. Gold
    There i put some features that i will write below somewhere. So let's start with commands.
  • There are thirty three (33) commands:
    • Common Players
      1. /vips | show online vips
      1. /vrespawn | Respawn Yourself
      2. /vbike | Spawn a bike
      3. /vheal | Heal yourself
      4. /varmour | Armour yourself
      5. /vgun | Take a gun (Selectable)
      6. /vnos | Put nos on your vehicle
      7. /vcarcolor | Change your vehicle color
      8. /vrepair | Repair your vehicle
      9. /vunfreeze | Unfreeze you if you are frozen
      10. /vh | Show all FS commands
      1. /vcar | Spawn a car (Selectable - Only Infernus, Sultan and Jester)
      2. /vboat | Spawn a boat.
      3. /vtune | Tune your car (Support only infernus , sultan & jester)
      4. /vuntune | Untune your car (Support only infernus , sultan & jester)
      5. /vspec | Spec a player
      6. /vweather | Change your weather
      7. /vtime | Change your time
      8. /vsay | Say something in global chat
      9. /vskin | Change your skin
      10. /vspecoff | Specoff from the spectated player
    • VIP LEVEL 3 (GOLD)
      1. /vheli | Spawn a heli
      2. /vplane | Spawn a plane
      3. /vafk | Toggle ON/OFF afk
      4. /vgoto | Goto a player
      5. /vgotopos | Goto a position (Float X,Y,Z)
      6. /vjetpack | Get a jetpack
      7. /vinterior | Change interior yourself
      8. /vvirtualworld | Change virtual world yourself
      1. /makevip | Make someone VIP
      2. /renewvip | Add VIP time to someone
      3. /removevip | Remove someone's vip
  • There are shortcuts for few commands too:
    1. /vc it's the shortcut of /v(ip)c(hat)
    2. /v is the shortcut of /v(ip)c(hat)
    3. /vcc is the shortcut of /vcarcolor
    4. /vw is the shortcut of /vweather
    5. /vt is the shortcut of /vtime
    6. /vjp is the shortcut of /vjetpack
    7. /vint is the shortcut of /vinterior
    8. /vvw is the shortcut of /vvirtualworld
  • And - finally at 'commands' section i want to tell you that FS have something that stop the player from abusing the vip commands (but not all). You can set the limit from Filterscript. The commands that have a limit are:
    1. /vrespawn
    2. /vbike
    3. /vheal
    4. /varmour
    5. /vgun
    6. /vnos
    7. /vrepair
    8. /vcar
    9. /vboat
    10. /vheli
    11. /vplane
    12. /vgoto
    13. /vgotopos
    14. /vjetpack
  • When you use 3 of those commands (default:3 - can choose the same command 3 times) player can't use them again util his death.
How To Install ?
  • Follow the steps to install that FS.
    1. Download that filter script and add VSS.amx and VSS.pwn in Filterscripts folder
    2. Create a folder in scriptfiles named "Vips"
    3. Open server.cfg, and write in line where you found "filterscripts" the word "VSS" like - "filterscripts FS1 FS2 VSS" (Just one exemple)
    4. Aditional Step! If FS dialogs don't work try to add filterscript first in the list like that "filterscripts Vip FS1 FS2" (The exemple from above)
  1. The VIP contain 33 commands.
  2. There are shortcuts for commands.
  3. The messages look nice.
  4. The script it's designed right.
  5. Vip points system with rewards.
  6. You can set how many kills you need for getting vip point(s) [You can set it too from FS]
  7. You receive a number of Vip points if you stay online (Can be modified from FS)
  8. V.I.P persons benefit by neons that look great and are placed almost perfectly [Only for Infernus, Sultan and Jester] - Can be seen only at night (Before 20:00)
  9. Save/Load with Y_INI
  10. You can't use VIP commands or write in chat util you are AFK.
  11. When you are AFK you are spectating a Chilliad Mountain landscape.
  12. VIP vehicles dosen't blow your vehicles ID , because they are created before your vehicles are loaded. So that ids will be the last , not the first.
  13. Players / Vips can't steal other vips cars. He can drive only his/her car (VIP CAR) , in rest he can drive anything like without that script.
  14. /vips command show if a vip it's AFK.
  15. /vskin support skins within id 311 (New skins added in SA-MP 0.3.7 RC3 too)
  16. You can tune and untune vehicles even if you are not the vehicle driver , so you can enjoy with your friend of that VIP.
  17. When you exit AFK you will get your last hp and position back , so you can continue playing from where you was.
  • ****** | For sscanf & y_ini
  • Zeex | For Zeex Fast Command Processor
  • Samp Team | For creating SA:MP (a_samp.inc too)
  • Sweet (Wiper) - For scripting that.
//									 *                                *
//									 *   © Copyright ©2015 SweeT      *
//									 *   © Also Knwon As Wiper        *
//								         *   © All rights reserved.       *
//                                                                       *                                *

	@ You can modify that FS how do you want , with the condition to keep the
		credits and author the same ... Don't change copyright and don't post
			that somewhere without my permission - Thanks, SweeT kiss you all.
Please respect that. That's my work so if that was your work , you didn't was happy if you seen somebody that pretend he it's the author.

Screen Shoots

Solidfiles V.10 - Recomanded
VSS.pwn - Recomanded too

P.S: If you find any bug , please report it.
P.S2: You can suggest me something for a next version, and if i consider that right i will make it.
P.S3: I will not upload pastebin. You have attached pwn if you want to take a look.
P.S4: My english get worse with time , i think i'm cursed by the romanians that i'm not proud

Messages In This Thread
Vip System V.10 by Sweet (Wiper) - by Mariciuc223 - 30.08.2015, 14:41
Re: Vip System V.10 by Sweet (Wiper) - by SecretBoss - 30.08.2015, 14:48
Re: Vip System V.10 by Sweet (Wiper) - by SpikY_ - 30.08.2015, 15:43
Re: Vip System V.10 by Sweet (Wiper) - by Mariciuc223 - 02.09.2015, 10:44

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