HELP ! Script Modules

Guys I have some issues here that part of Modular Script , I am doing so :

To call include .. Follow the Example..

pawn Код:
#include "../include/"
and so on

pawn Код:
Hello = TextDrawCreate(320.0, 240.0, "Hello World!");
Doing so could with many textdraws, but in some cases they bug position.. the TextDraw is not bug, because this bug only occurs when "split into more than one include some textdraws .." if you leave them in a include not only bug occurs .. am I doing wrong ??

I am creating an include "global" joining all textdraws, and creating other with with textdraws ..

pawn Код:
#include "../include/textdraws/"
#include "../include/textdraws/"
#include "../include/textdraws/"
Sorry my english .. is I got no answer in my bord.

Messages In This Thread
HELP ! Script Modules - by Holl - 08.08.2015, 09:32
Re: HELP ! Script Modules - by zT KiNgKoNg - 08.08.2015, 10:17
Re: HELP ! Script Modules - by Holl - 08.08.2015, 10:44
Re: HELP ! Script Modules - by zT KiNgKoNg - 08.08.2015, 10:47
Re: HELP ! Script Modules - by Holl - 08.08.2015, 10:58

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