[Tutorial] Good things for beginners (EASY THINGS)

Hello, there i will tell you some things you can use in your scripts !

For the beginning of that tutorial i will show you something very easy :

#define SCM   SendClientMessage // You can use now SCM instead of SendClientMessage
#define SPD   ShowPlayerDialog // You can use SPD now instead of ShowPlayerDialog
That need to be below #includes

You can use that like this , there we have a code :

HTML Code:
// Before
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, "Hello world , there it's a dude !"); // Send to player a message

// After you can type like that (more easy)

SCM(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, "Hello world, there it's a dude !"); // Send to player the same message
You can make the same thing with what command you want (just use #define SHORTCUT COMMAND)

__________________________________________________ _____________________________________________

Next thing i want to learn you it's , how to save your space ..

1. Multi-Dimensional Strings (arrays) - There you can save your space using like that:

HTML Code:
new String[2][128];

format(String[0], sizeof(String), "Message"); // format the string | sizeof(string) mean the cell size = 128 in our case
format(String[1], sizeof(String), "Message2") // format another dimension of our string

SCM(playerid, -1, String[0]); // Show player the content of String[0] ("Message")
SCM(playerid, -1, String[1]); // Show player the content of String[1] ("Message2")
What we do there ? We created a 2 Dimensional string instead of "new String[128], String2[128];"

2.Colors - eh , that it's not too hard (that's more for the structure of FilterScript) - In PAWN colors are on the form of:
  • A chat text or player color looks like this: 0xRRGGBBAA.
  • If you want to change colors in a strings , you will need to use HEX colors - Only RRGGBB
You can define colors too:

#include <a_samp>

#define RED  0xFF0000FF // There FF it's the maximum of RED (From AA to FF or numbers from 00 to 99) - 0000 are green and blue and FF again represents Alpha (00 it's invisible)
#define BLUE "0000FF" // There it's blue - You need to write it in "" because it's used in a string (For multi color texts) -- You can write it like that too - #define BLUE "{0000FF}"

// On a public or somewhere you can use it

SetPlayerColor(playerid, RED); // Put the player color to RED (On radar the player will have color red - in Score Tab too)
// But you can use it like that
SCM(playerid, 0xFF0000FF, "That message it's red !"); // You can put too 'RED' instead of 0xFF0000FF
SCM(playerid, RED, "That message it's red defined !"); // There used RED
SCM(playerid, RED, "There it's red {"BLUE"} and there it's blue !"); // There the message will print RED util where in text appear {"BLUE"} , there the text color will change to BLUE
SCM(playerid, -1, "That it's white , "BLUE" there it's blue !"); // What ? What color it's -1 ? -1 mean white - you can write -1 instead of 0xFFFFFF | Why i used "BLUE" with out { } ? You can use "BLUE" without brackets if you defined it like that "{0000FF}"
SCMF(playerid, -1, "The last message {0000FF} there it's blue !"); // {0000FF} mean "BLUE", ("BLUE" mean that HEX code , anyway..) , you can use it like that too !
There exist another colors too for Game Texts:

~r~    red // Source SA:MP wiki
~g~    green // Source SA:MP wiki
~b~    blue // Source SA:MP wiki
~w~    white // Source SA:MP wiki
~y~    yellow // Source SA:MP wiki
~p~    purple // Source SA:MP wiki
~l~    black // Source SA:MP wiki
~h~    lighter color // Source SA:MP wiki
3. Global Strings - You can use a global string if you use just a single string type in many cases !

HTML Code:
#include <a_samp>

new gString[256];

public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid)
      format(gString, sizeof(gString), "You have spawned !");

      return 1;
public OnPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, reason)
      format(gString, sizeof(gString), "You was killed !");

      return 1;
It will reset the content every time you use it , and you can use it again , and again .

- 4. Stocks - Use stocks for few functions if you use it many times , like that:

stock GetName(playerid)
       new pName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; // MAX_PLAYER_NAME = 24 and our string cell size
       GetPlayerName(playerid, pName, sizeof(String)); // Get the player name and stock it on pName
       return pName; // return successfully

// Use

public OnPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, reason)
       new String[128]; // Create the string
       format(String, sizeof(String), "%s was killed by %s !", GetName(playerid), GetName(killerid)); // format our string
       SendClientMessageToAll(-1, String); // Show message to all 

       return 1;
It will show message like that:

SweeT was killed by Wiper !

We made our work easiest with that stock . Instead create 2 strings ("new pName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], kName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]") and write again "GetPlayerName(playerid, pName, sizeof(pName));" and too for kName , we just written one time and used stock many times ... Another good stock may be that:

HTML Code:
#include <YSI\y_va>

stock SendMessage(playerid, Color, Format[], va_args<>) // You will need y_va include
	new String[148];
	va_format(String, sizeof(String), Format, va_start<3>);
	SendClientMessage(playerid, Color, String);

	return 1;
That stock it's used to send message to a player (instead SendClientMessage) with many parameters ... Like a format .. Instead using every time

HTML Code:
new String[string size];
format(String, sizeof(String), "Your id it's %i !", playerid);
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, String);
we will use

HTML Code:
SendMessage(playerid, -1, "Your id it's %i !", playerid); // just it
Another usefull stock

HTML Code:
stock FormatMoney(Number) // Show player money with "." between 3 numbers
	new str[16];
	format(str, 16, "$%i", Number);
	new l = strlen(str);

	if(Number < 0)
	  	if (l > 5) strins(str, ".", l-3);
		if (l > 8) strins(str, ".", l-6);
		if (l > 11) strins(str, ".", l-9);
		if (l > 4) strins(str, ".", l-3);
		if (l > 7) strins(str, ".", l-6);
		if (l > 10) strins(str, ".", l-9);

	return str;
That stock will show player money (where you use that) with "." between 3 numbers , like that :

I have $30000 , if i use that stock like that :

HTML Code:
public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid)
       SendMessage(playerid, -1, "You have {008000}%s{FFFFFF} !", FormatMoney(GetPlayerMoney(playerid)));
       return 1;
There when player spawns , will appear a message like that:

You have $30.000 !

Remember : There the number (integer - %i | %d) change in a string , because "."

- 5. Loops

You want to add some classes to your script and you're bored of adding 300 lines ? Do that like that:

HTML Code:
public OnFilterScriptInit( )
       for(new i=0; i<300; i++) // That will loop i from 0 to 299 ( before it's just < not and = )
              AddPlayerClass(i, ....); // There will a classes from 0 to 299
       } // So we have added 299 classes in 4 lines .

       return 1;
You can use loops and in other ways .. Another exemple it's that:

// somewhere

new count=0;

for(new i=0; i<=GetPlayerPoolSize( ); i++)
            IsPlayerAdmin(i)) count++;

SendMessage(playerid, -1, "There are %i admins online !", count);
Format Specifiers :

HTML Code:
Specifier	Meaning
%i	Integer (whole number)
%d	Integer (whole number).
%s	String
%f	Floating-point number (Float: tag)
%c	ASCII character
%x	Hexadecimal number
%b	Binary number
%%	Literal '%'
%q	Escape a text for SQLite. (Added in 0.3.7 R2)
Source - SA:MP wiki , to be used in text formats

- 6. Includes

I advise you to use easiest includes at the beginning . There it's a list with good includes for newbies in PAWN scripting:

easyDialogs.inc - Click There
ZCMD ~ Zeex command processor - Click There
Improved ZCMD by Yashas (Zeex Command Processor improved) - Click There
YSI libraries by Alex "******" Cole - Click There
Sscanf by Alex "******" Cole - Click There
foreach by Alex "******" Cole - Click There

YSY libraries are not so easy , but are very good includes , and you will need to learn it sometime (or go directly to MYSQL) , because there it's an y_ini.inc that it's a faster file writer ..

- 7. Final - I hope you learned something from that tutorial - more on SA:MP WIKI

Messages In This Thread
Good things for beginners (EASY THINGS) - by Mariciuc223 - 01.08.2015, 08:06
Re: Good things for beginners (EASY THINGS) - by Vince - 01.08.2015, 10:29
Re: Good things for beginners (EASY THINGS) - by dominik523 - 01.08.2015, 12:08
AW: Good things for beginners (EASY THINGS) - by Kaliber - 01.08.2015, 12:28

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