CreateJob Help.. Scanff + ZCMD

HI, I have been looking at multiple ways to do this but i cannot figure out why it will not work.

This is the code

CMD:createjob(playerid, params[])
	    new jobname;
		new string[128];
  		if(isnull(params)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED1, "ERROR: /createquest <jobname>");
		    if (sscanf(params, "c", jobname))
			    format(string, sizeof(string), "You named your job: %s", jobname);
			    SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED1, string);
 				return 1;
   		return 1;
In game it says "You named your job: " and it just stays blank. What am i doing wrong. I have searched and searched but cannot figure it out..

PS it compiles fine

Messages In This Thread
CreateJob Help.. Scanff + ZCMD - by KingyKings - 23.02.2015, 09:48
Re: CreateJob Help.. Scanff + ZCMD - by zork - 23.02.2015, 09:56
Re: CreateJob Help.. Scanff + ZCMD - by KingyKings - 23.02.2015, 10:02
Re: CreateJob Help.. Scanff + ZCMD - by Gammix - 23.02.2015, 15:01
Re: CreateJob Help.. Scanff + ZCMD - by Kyance - 23.02.2015, 15:25
Re: CreateJob Help.. Scanff + ZCMD - by Vince - 23.02.2015, 15:30

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