Being kicked from my own server?

This has just started to happen recently for seemingly no reason. What happens is I connect to the server and the register dialog appears. I type in a password and click "register" and it registers my account and saves it in the MySQL database, but then instantly says "Server closed the connection". It's the same if I log in too. My dialogs' buttons are the correct way around according to the OnDialogResponse page on the SA-MP Wiki:

response - 1 for left button and 0 for right button (if only one button shown, always 1)

My dialogs

ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, D_REG, DIALOG_STYLE_PASSWORD, "{00D3FF}Register your account", string, "Register", "Quit");

ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, D_LOGIN, DIALOG_STYLE_PASSWORD, "{00D3FF}Login to your account", string, "Login", "Quit");


Messages In This Thread
Being kicked from my own server? - by Derexi - 02.01.2015, 12:14
Re: Being kicked from my own server? - by Facerafter - 02.01.2015, 12:15
Re: Being kicked from my own server? - by Derexi - 02.01.2015, 12:18
Re: Being kicked from my own server? - by Facerafter - 02.01.2015, 12:27
Re: Being kicked from my own server? - by Derexi - 02.01.2015, 13:16
Re: Being kicked from my own server? - by biker122 - 02.01.2015, 13:45

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