sscanf warning: Strings without a length are deprecated, please add a destination size.

Help , how to fix?

Console: sscanf warning: Strings without a length are deprecated, please add a destination size.

Command: /ogetip

	if(pInfo[playerid][pAdmin] == 0) return 0;

	new name2[24],msg[250];
 	if(sscanf(params, "s", name2))
		return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "[Server]: Use: /ogetip < Full Name >");

    format(ipFILE, 64, "AKAIP/Users/Aliases/%s.txt", name2);

        return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "[Server]: This name can not be found!");

 	format(msg,sizeof(msg),"[Server] Check: IP: %s | Player: %s", name2, dini_Get("AKAIP/Users/Aliases/ips.txt",name2) );
	return SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_GREY,msg);


Messages In This Thread
sscanf warning: Strings without a length are deprecated, please add a destination size. - by Slicebook - 14.12.2014, 17:35
Re: sscanf warning: Strings without a length are deprecated, please add a destination size. - by dominik523 - 14.12.2014, 17:39
Re: sscanf warning: Strings without a length are deprecated, please add a destination size. - by Slicebook - 14.12.2014, 18:24

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