Find integer from all the files

Originally Posted by Divergent
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Create an enumerator for the teleports containing x1, x2, y1, y2, z1, z2, radius [optional], and whether it's created or not. Then it's simple, just create commands to set a teleport position down, then in the /usetp command

fpr(new id = 0; id < MAX_TELEPORTS; id++)
       IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, TPInfo[id][radius], TPInfo[id][x], TPInfo[id][y], TPInfo[id][z]) && TPInfo[id][Created] == true)
              SetPlayerPos(playerid, TPInfo[id][x2], TPInfo[id][y2], TPInfo[id][z2]);
okay, well It's will get integers from all the files?

Messages In This Thread
Find integer from all the files - by Lirbo - 12.12.2014, 16:55
Re: Find integer from all the files - by Divergent - 12.12.2014, 17:03
Re: Find integer from all the files - by Lirbo - 12.12.2014, 17:05
Re: Find integer from all the files - by Lirbo - 12.12.2014, 18:28

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