learning to script rp

I can not decipher what you are trying to say.

If you are trying to ask someone to make you a gamemode, then you are SOL.

Messages In This Thread
learning to script rp - by elirand21 - 06.08.2014, 12:54
Re: learning to script rp - by gtasarules14 - 06.08.2014, 13:01
Re: learning to script rp - by SpikY_ - 06.08.2014, 13:37
Re: learning to script rp - by MaxTuner - 06.08.2014, 13:55
Re: learning to script rp - by SlimDkhili - 06.08.2014, 14:05
Re: learning to script rp - by MaxTuner - 06.08.2014, 15:17

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