Set a player key in 3d text label?

How can I set in a 3d TextLabel:

Press 'SPACE' to refuel your vehicle!

But then where the text 'SPACE' stands, would actually be KEY_SPRINT? Is there a way to create this?

Messages In This Thread
Set a player key in 3d text label? - by SomebodyAndMe - 18.04.2014, 14:13
Re: Set a player key in 3d text label? - by Conradus - 18.04.2014, 14:19
Re : Set a player key in 3d text label? - by S4t3K - 18.04.2014, 14:20
Re: Set a player key in 3d text label? - by Bingo - 18.04.2014, 14:21

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