
Hello I have a MySQL problem with ban system. It write in database player banned etc, but when I try to check if it is banned nothing happen. Table was InnoDB and I only changed it to MyISAM only at operation

stock jBanCheck( playerid )
	format( jQuery, MAX_QUERY_LENGTH, "SELECT user_banner, ban_reason, TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE, NOW(), DATE_ADD(ban_timestamp, INTERVAL ban_time MINUTE)) FROM `"#J_TABLE"` WHERE user_banned_ip = '%s' AND (NOW() <= DATE_ADD(ban_timestamp, INTERVAL ban_time MINUTE) OR ban_time = 0)", jIP[ playerid ] );
	mysql_query_callback( QUERY_CHECKNAME, jQuery, "OnQueryFinish", playerid, jban_connection );
	return ( 1 );
This is the ban check...

Messages In This Thread
MySQL - by XSR - 09.12.2013, 20:44
Re: MySQL - by XSR - 10.12.2013, 07:25
Re: MySQL - by DarrenReeder - 10.12.2013, 10:11
Re: MySQL - by CriticalRP - 10.12.2013, 12:04
Re: MySQL - by XSR - 10.12.2013, 17:06

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