[ The Long Road to Quesadlia - SA-MP Short Story ]

See your fate as SA-MP players. This is a short story i made up, about two travelers called Dugi and Westie. Enjoy, and don't spoil it for others.

Chapter 1

12:00 PM, The Woods of spork007

In an old cabin in the woods, an old man named woot was busy making shoes for the local a friend. All of a sudden, someone rang the door. When we went to the door, he saw a small child named BigETI. The child asked "sir, do you have any axes? I and my brother IJ need them so we can chop wood". Woot replied "Why yes, my child. I do." Woot handed him two axes, one noticeably smaller than the other. When woot closed the door to go back inside, he noticed an elf climbing in through a window. "Hey, what are you doing you damn elf! Get out of here before I cut your knickers off!" The elf finished climbing inside, and during the process, slipped on a banana, and screamed out the word "KRISK". Woot helped the Elf up, asking what a Krisk was. The Elf told Woot that Krisk was a warrior that lived in the woods, feeding off pineapple trees. "Sorry sir, but this warrior is chasing me! I need someplace to hide!" Woot allowed him to stay, and called his good friend, Dugi. Dugi was also a warrior, but he was someone who would fight for the good of the people. When Dugi arrived, Woot asked him to stand guard. Dugi refused, and ran off into the woods, to meet a friend.

12:30 PM, The Woods of spork007

When Dugi arrived at his destination, he saw the local cow tamer named Kar. "Do you have the package?" asked Dugi. Kar handed him a magical banana, he called it Potassium. Supposedly, the banana was not an ordinary banana. "Use the banana at the highest point in time and space, to see its true powers", said Kar. "In English, please." stated Dugi. "You are so mean traveler Dugi. Alright, go to the mountain over there and peel the banana." Dugi looked at the mountain to his right. This was going to be a long walk.

6:00 PM, Shadows Crove

Dugi only started walking to the mountain a few hours ago. He was not even half way there, and his feet were in so much pain. The mountain looked so close, but it was so far away. If only he had a horse to ride. It was getting dark. He could only walk so far before it got to dark. When it gets dark, evil creatures come out called Blacklites. The creatures were black shadows that would melt your skin if you got too close. Dugi saw a small shack to his right, with the light on. He went inside, and spent the night.

9:00AM (The Next Day), Shadows Crove

When Dugi woke up, he saw someone staring at him, and sitting at the end of the bed. "Hey there, welcome back to the real world". Dugi had no idea who the man was. "Who are you again?" he asked. "My name is Westie. I am the owner of this shack. I reckon you are heading to the mountains. I get a lot of travelers stopping by. Not many of them are women... Man, I need a woman". Dugi laughed. When Dugi got out of the bed to head for the door, Westie stopped him. "What are you doing? I need to get to those mountains." "No, you don't. Listen; every time I hear about a traveler going up there, they never come back. I'm sick of hearing of these stories." Dugi sat down next too Westie. "Listen, West. I'm going up there to end all this suffering. I know what happens up there, and I’m going to put a stop to it. So if you don't mind, I'm leaving." When Dugi was about to leave, Westie said: "Let me come with you."

11:30 AM, Just past Shadows Crove

As the two travelers’ reached the base of the mountain, Westie started complaining. "Damn, that's a high mountain. By the time we get to the top, I will be 75!" Dugi was not amused. "Quit your complaining, we have to do this. Let's go." They both looked up. Dugi was not ready for this. All his life, he fought in many battles. If there was one thing he knew, it was that Mount Quesadlia was one of the dangerous places in all of the lands." They started the long walk, not knowing what was ahead.

Chapter 2

12:00 PM, Mount Quesadlia

Westie and Dugi kept on moving through the mountain. They saw many trees, and even some creatures they couldn't identify. At least they weren't attacking. The trees were very tall, and there could be a Wood Fairy up there, about to jump onto their shoulders and attack. Dugi thought if they stayed on the trails, they wouldn't run into trouble. He was wrong. In front of the two travelers stood a baby bear that looked mad and ready to attack. They both stood still. Dugi looked at Westie. Westie screamed like a girl, and ran behind a tree, and hid there. Behind Dugi, Westie said: "Don't get to close Dugi, I hear they have claws!" Dugi walked up to the bear, slowly. The bear didn't move, and just stared a Dugi. When Dugi tried to pet the bear, Westie ran in front of Dugi and stabbed the bear with a knife. Dugi jumped up, not expecting this. "What was that for? You’re the one who ran away." Dugi felt like Westie wasn't the fighting kind. "Well, you were getting to close. I had to save your skin."

1:30 PM, Mount Quesadlia

After the Bear drama, they kept moving. They didn't know what was going on behind them, and quite frankly, they didn't want to know. "Hey Dugi, do you think the people who never came back got lost, or something else?" asked Westie. "I don’t know. Let's just hope we make it out of here alive." They kept on moving. Dugi heard a thundering noise. "Yeah, I’m starving. Where's the nearest pub?" Dugi was also feeling hungry, but what could they find to eat? They were on a mountain. Dugi looked around, and saw some tall tree's that looked like they had fruit at the top. "Here, hold my sword." Dugi wrapped his hands around the tree, and headed for the top. When he was up there, he smashed a few of the fruits down with his hands. One hit Westie in the head. "I'm OK. I think my brain is fine." Dugi slid down the tree, and the two of them feasted. "Ugh, I think there was something funny in that", Said Westie. "Complain, Complain. Now get up, we should get going."

2:00PM, Mount Quesadlia

The Mountain was so high that they could barely see the birds circling the top. They kept walking; they didn't come all this way for nothing. The two of them were walking slowly, about to take another break, when someone from behind them came and grabbed Westie, holding him hostage. Dugi didn't know what to do. "Who are you? What do you want?” Yelled Dugi. "I will never tell you, you wood frimp!" Dugi had no idea what a wood frimp was, and didn't want to know. He just wanted to get Westie back, and get to the top before they died. The stranger started walking backwards towards the mountain, acting as if he wanted to throw Westie from the top. "Shit man, I don't have nothing on you man, I don't even know you, man. Please don't kill me." Westie was scared, and Dugi needed to do something. He thought of throwing the banana at the person, but he needed that later. "Your friend is waiting! Decide his fate! You die, or him." As much as Dugi would take a bullet for someone, he needed to finish his quest. He saw a rock near his foot, if only he could throw it at the attacker. Dugi had a plan. He took his sword from his back, and bent down putting on the ground, acting like he was giving up. "Yes, put the weapon down. Be a good little bastard!" Dugi was getting angry. He grabbed the rock, and threw it at the attacker, nailing him right in the head. The attacker fell off the mountain, screaming. Westie breathed a sigh of relief, and the two continued their journey.

2:30PM, Mount Quesadlia

It seemed like every day they were getting themselves into all sorts of troubles; Always getting attacked by creatures. However, that wasn't stopping them. They were getting into a new part of the mountain. The ground was grassy, and there were waterfalls all around them. They felt like they completely left the mountain, and almost even felt like they were safe. They decided to go into one of the waterfall pools and get a drink. When they got to the pool, they saw a weird symbol near a rock.

They didn't know what it meant, so they disregarded it. However, when Westie sat on the rock, the rock acted like a button, and the pool drained itself, revealing a box. Dugi looked at it, and opened it. Inside the box he found a necklace, with the word "Ssium" on the back. He threw it in his back pocket, thinking that it may be useful later. After taking a break for about another 20 minutes, they moved on. As they started to move, a door opened behind them, and they went in. When the door closed, on the back of it were the words "the banana trail". The door closed itself, and they were locked in.

3:00 PM, the Banana Trail

Now wasn't the time to panic. In front of them were 3 trails, with three symbols on each one. Dugi recognized one of them, and they took the trail directly in front of them. It was cold inside the mountain. "We should try to find a way out. I don't like being in here.”, said Westie. "I agree." They kept on walking forward, seeing writing on the walls as they go. Dugi looked at it, and noticed a message that caught his eye.
To the traveler seeing this, I’m afraid I’m dead. I came to this mountain to find the banana holder known as Potassium; however the banana holder was too powerful. She came and found me, and I had just enough time to write this message. It was then that Dugi knew the truth. The banana was a key. It summoned the banana holder known as Potassium, which then was killing people who came up the mountain. Enraged, he decided what he must do. He must kill the banana holder, to avenge those who have died.

Chapter 3

5:00 PM, the Banana Trail

The two of them have been inside the mountain for what seemed like forever. They kept moving in circles, and it felt like there was no way out. Enraged, Dugi sat down. “Westie, I’m sorry I brought you into this. It seems like we are never going to get there.” Westie sat down next to him, and sighed. “Look, it’s not your fault. There was something I never told you. The last person who came up here was a good friend of mine. His name was Silent. I came along hoping that I could find him.” Dugi had no idea of these intentions. Silent was someone he also knew, and suddenly, he felt sad. “Hey, there is still hope. Let’s keep on moving, we might find him.”

5:30 PM, the Banana Trail

The two travelers approached a big empty room, and looked around. “Where do we go from here?” asked Dugi. Westie looked around, noticing a symbol above a closed archway. “Dugi, come look at this.” Dugi came over to the archway, and examined it carefully. “I think there is something on the other side.” When Dugi looked towards the floor, he saw the same symbol near the water fountain, and placed the artifact he found earlier above it. The archway lifted, revealing stairs. They both looked at each other. “We made it to the top of the mountain.”

Chapter 4

After two long days, Dugi and Westie made it. When they got to the top, they noticed it was dark out. They walked around, and the only thing they saw was a small circular pedestal in the middle. They both walked up to it, and saw a picture of a banana on it. “Could it really be that simple?” Dugi grabbed the banana from his back pocket, and set it on the pedestal. The two of them stepped back, and the world shook for a moment. “Whoa! What was that?” Westie was in shock. All of a sudden, smoke started coming from the pedestal, and a lightning bolt struck it. From the bottom of the pedestal rose a blue cloudy creature, about 6 feet tall. Dugi yelled at Potassium, and she just stood there. “Answer me, dammit! Who are you, why have you killed my friends?” All of a sudden the creature spoke, and it was so loud, they had to cover their ears. “You know who I am! I’m in your mind, Dugi and Westie! Your fate awaits you!” Dugi screamed, and started to run towards the creature. Potassium pointed her hands at Dugi, and yellow magical spikes went into his body, and he fell. “You are weak, Warrior Dugi. You came all this way, and you have failed your quest. You will die here.” Dugi was in a ball on the ground, and couldn’t move. Westie had to act fast; he knew that Dugi was dying. He had no cover, so he used his words. “Listen, all mighty Potassium! You can’t kill him! He came all this way with a goal – A goal to sacrifice himself! I can’t let that happen! Take me instead.” Westie started running towards Dugi’s body, dodging strikes that Potassium was throwing at him. “What is this? Westie thinks he has the courage to become a warrior. I have seen your past! You are nothing, and you will burn in my fire!” Westie was so angry his face turned red. He grabbed Dugi’s sword, and started running towards Potassium, dodging more bolts. Before he could get to Potassium, she unleashed a circular ring of fire that spread across the entire mountain. Potassium was screaming in laughter, having slaughtered two more travelers.


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[ The Long Road to Quesadlia - SA-MP Short Story ] - by CJ101 - 27.11.2013, 01:20
Re: [ The Long Road to Quesadlia - SA-MP Short Story ] - by kaisersouse - 27.11.2013, 01:22
Re: [ The Long Road to Quesadlia - SA-MP Short Story ] - by whatthefuck123 - 27.11.2013, 01:29
Re: [ The Long Road to Quesadlia - SA-MP Short Story ] - by ***Niko*** - 27.11.2013, 01:32
Re: [ The Long Road to Quesadlia - SA-MP Short Story ] - by Sublime - 27.11.2013, 01:33
Re: [ The Long Road to Quesadlia - SA-MP Short Story ] - by dugi - 27.11.2013, 09:13
Re: [ The Long Road to Quesadlia - SA-MP Short Story ] - by PT - 27.11.2013, 09:16
Re: [ The Long Road to Quesadlia - SA-MP Short Story ] - by newbie scripter - 27.11.2013, 11:37
Re: [ The Long Road to Quesadlia - SA-MP Short Story ] - by newbienoob - 27.11.2013, 12:48
Re: [ The Long Road to Quesadlia - SA-MP Short Story ] - by Sublime - 27.11.2013, 13:12
Re: [ The Long Road to Quesadlia - SA-MP Short Story ] - by toXioneer - 27.11.2013, 13:56
Re: [ The Long Road to Quesadlia - SA-MP Short Story ] - by CJ101 - 27.11.2013, 14:35
Re: [ The Long Road to Quesadlia - SA-MP Short Story ] - by Riddy - 27.11.2013, 14:59
Re: [ The Long Road to Quesadlia - SA-MP Short Story ] - by iZN - 27.11.2013, 15:12
Re: [ The Long Road to Quesadlia - SA-MP Short Story ] - by Si|ent - 27.11.2013, 17:59
Re: [ The Long Road to Quesadlia - SA-MP Short Story ] - by -CaRRoT - 28.11.2013, 07:54
Re: [ The Long Road to Quesadlia - SA-MP Short Story ] - by SchurmanCQC - 28.11.2013, 21:03
Re: [ The Long Road to Quesadlia - SA-MP Short Story ] - by Potassium - 29.11.2013, 00:49
Re: [ The Long Road to Quesadlia - SA-MP Short Story ] - by Sublime - 29.11.2013, 02:40
Re: [ The Long Road to Quesadlia - SA-MP Short Story ] - by dugi - 29.11.2013, 14:28

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