argument type mismatch

Hello this is my stock but it say that error wtf

line of error:
SCMTF(CO_YELLOW, "Player %s has been banned.", PlayerName(playerid));

stock SCMTF(color, const str[], define)
        new tmpbuf2[150];
	format(tmpbuf2, sizeof(tmpbuf2), str, define);
	SendClientMessageToAll(color, tmpbuf2);
Any ideas?

Messages In This Thread
argument type mismatch - by dEcooR - 01.08.2013, 08:53
AW: argument type mismatch - by CutX - 01.08.2013, 09:03
Re: argument type mismatch - by dEcooR - 01.08.2013, 09:06

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