Gate placer doest work. Help pls!

you can change it ingame.
you don't have to create the gate when the script loads.
You could put it all in a function and call it using a command
example of the function:
stock CreateTheGate(playerid,objectid)//customize the params depending on what you need to create your gate
   ///your gate - creation code, using the given "objectid"
   return 1;
you could use it like CreateTheGate(playerid,980); //980 is the object you want

Messages In This Thread
Gate placer doest work. Help pls! - by qkac1234 - 31.07.2013, 11:34
AW: Gate placer doest work. Help pls! - by CutX - 31.07.2013, 11:48
Re: Gate placer doest work. Help pls! - by qkac1234 - 31.07.2013, 11:54
AW: Gate placer doest work. Help pls! - by CutX - 31.07.2013, 12:06
Re: Gate placer doest work. Help pls! - by qkac1234 - 31.07.2013, 12:25
AW: Gate placer doest work. Help pls! - by CutX - 31.07.2013, 12:38
Re: Gate placer doest work. Help pls! - by qkac1234 - 31.07.2013, 12:48
AW: Gate placer doest work. Help pls! - by CutX - 31.07.2013, 12:55

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