[FilterScript] Simple to use, easily customisable, random prizes - Lotto.

Yeah, I know it's simple to make.
But here it is, I made this for a friend, I have no use for it.

How to customise?:
pawn Code:
#define CHANCES 50
#define LOTTO_TIME_IN_MINUTES 10// Ten
#define LOTTO_MIN_RAND 20000
#define LOTTO_MAX_RAND 70000
These are at the top.
CHANCES - They are the number of chances you have to win the lotto. Here, you have ONE IN FIFTY chance to win!
LOTTO_TIME_IN_MINUTES - How many minutes should it repeat after? Here, it is 10 MINUTES.
LOTTO_MIN_RAND, LOTTO_MAX_RAND - These are the numbers between which the script chooses a number, adds it to the current lotto.
i.e. if the current lotto is $50,000, it would choose out of $20,000 to $70,000, say $35000, and add it to $50,000.
That is, the new lotto would be $85,000.
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The script has been attached.
Thanks, use it for whatever you need.
Requires NO includes.

Messages In This Thread
Simple to use, easily customisable, random prizes - Lotto. - by RajatPawar - 11.02.2013, 13:22

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