[Tutorial] Usage and explanation of miscellaneous functions - Part 1

Thank you! with your pickup tut i was able to create like a little event that notifies everyone that a player has found a money bag and picked up go kill him xD

Messages In This Thread
Usage and explanation of miscellaneous functions - Part 1 - by Gangs_Rocks - 19.08.2012, 10:05
Re: Usage and explanation of miscellaneous functions - Part 1 - by Jarnu - 19.08.2012, 10:07
Re: Usage and explanation of miscellaneous functions - Part 1 - by R4VER - 19.08.2012, 10:17
Re: Usage and explanation of miscellaneous functions - Part 1 - by Vince - 19.08.2012, 11:17
Re: Usage and explanation of miscellaneous functions - Part 1 - by Gangs_Rocks - 19.08.2012, 11:28
Re: Usage and explanation of miscellaneous functions - Part 1 - by sgtjones12 - 24.08.2012, 21:06

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