RULES Dialog

Well guys, I scripted a Rules Dialog.

But OnDialogResponse doesnt work for me.

I wanted to make like:

If player response = SendClientMessage "Thanks for accepting the rules"
If player response == 0 SendClientMessgae "You declined the rules, kicked!"

(This is just an example!)

Can someone make this possible for version 3.0e?

public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
	ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, KickBox, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{000080}Server Rules", "{FF0000}Rule 1: No Hacking\n\n{FF0000}Rule 2: No Imature Behavioure\n\n{FF0000}Rule 3: No Racism\n\n{FF0000}Rule 4: Respect all players\n\n{FF0000}Rule 5: Do not be abusive to Admins or KICK/BAN\n\n{FF0000}Rule 6: Have Fun!\n\n{D9FF00}Decline our rules you will be KICKED!", "Accept", "Decline");
	return 1;

public OnDialogResponse(playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[])

if(dialogid == KickBox)

			SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_YELLOW, "You Accepted our rules Have fun!");
			SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_RED, "You Declined and have been kicked Goodbye!");
		return 1;
	return 0;
This is what I used.

Messages In This Thread
RULES Dialog - by [HS]Syko - 10.08.2012, 13:36
Re: RULES Dialog - by CentyPoo - 10.08.2012, 13:37
Re: RULES Dialog - by [HS]Syko - 10.08.2012, 13:39
Re: RULES Dialog - by [MM]RoXoR[FS] - 10.08.2012, 13:44
Re: RULES Dialog - by [HS]Syko - 10.08.2012, 13:49
Re: RULES Dialog - by markjaysonpinoy - 10.08.2012, 15:14
Re: RULES Dialog - by grand.Theft.Otto - 10.08.2012, 17:04

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