[FilterScript] Zailas Ingame Object Editor [MySQL storage]

Zailas Ingame Object Editor
Released 2012-07-01

Intro and script description
Hello Ladies and gentlemens. I have for a long time wanted to do a really simple ingame editor for SA:MP but haven't really got around to do it. Previously tonight, i decided to finally do it, and here is the result. This release will contain a filterscript with a ingame editor which REALLY simple to use, yet should be powerfull enough for simple object projects. This filterscript should not replace programs like MTA:SA Map Editor when it comes to big mapping projects, but more easy stuff which it can be annoying to work in MTA:SA Map Editor with. What i'm talking about is, for an example, when you will put a fence on a specific place or add a barrier along side a road and so on.

This script is using mysql storage, which means you will need a mysql server to be able to use this script fully. Each time you start the server / reload the filterscript, it will load the objects from the database.

The script is operating on custom IDs and not the specific object IDs. In example, it can mean that the object ID is 1, but the custom ID is 2. Then 2 will be the ID you use when using the different commands.

You need to be logged in as RCON Admin to be able to use the commands in this filterscript!!

*Maybe one of the simplest SA:MP ingame object editor released
*Powerfull storage system
*Easy to use commands to edit objects
*Custom IDs to minimize the risk of bugs regarding IDs
*Automaticlly saving during editing - You dont have to worry about saving objects
*Possibility to track object IDs for easier editing

This command will show all the various commands with a short explanation to it.

/ocreate [model id]
This command will create the object with the model ID you choosed. The command will automaticlly add the object to the database and designate a custom ID to the object thanks to the Auto Increment feature in MySQL.

/odelete [custom object ID]
This will totally delete the object from the server and the database.

/oedit [custom object ID]
This will allow you to edit the specified object with the new object edit tool implemented in 0.3e. Everytime you edit a object, then pressing the disc button, it will automaticlly save the object, delete it and respawn it again to sync it for all players.

/oduplicate [custom object ID]
This command will duplicate a object you want to duplicate. It will inherite the Model ID and the rotation information from the object you duplicate but spawn close to you.

This command will check around you and see if it finds any object spawned by the script. If you are in range of a object made by this script, it will send you a message with the custom object ID, and the object model for easier identification.

Requirements (included in the server package)
*MySQL R7 plugin by BlueG. Can be found here.
*Streamer plugin by Incognito. Can be found here

First off, you need to download the package found further down in this post. Download the package and unpack it wherever you want.

Second of all, you need to open up your mysql server and import the objects.sql file in the root map of the downloaded package. Most likely you will have phpmyadmin to go to your phpmyadmin directory, click on the database you want to use and then import the objects.sql file into that database.

When you have succesfully imported the sql file, open up the script and edit the mysql_connection information on line 52 to the IP the MySQL server you are using (normally localhost), your MySQL account username, your database name and your MySQL account password.

When done, compile the script and close it. Open up server.cfg and change the RCON password to your own. This is a must since the server will not start up until you change it.

There you go, you should be able to jump ingame on your server now and use this.

No known bugs so far.

*Added command /oduplicate which will duplicate the object model ID and the object rotation of of the choosed object.
*Some changes made to /odischeck. Now displaying the range to the objects found close to you.

Initiate release
Zailas Ingame Object Editor v1.1 (solidfiles.com) - NEWEST

Zailas Ingame Object Editor v1.0 (solidfiles.com) - Old version

BlueG - Creating the MySQL plugin
Sacky - For the GetPlayerDistanceToPoint function
****** - sscanf
Incognito - Streamer
Conroy and [Rstar]xcasio - For helping me

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