[HELP]Datetime mysql table

I use mysql plugin BlueG - version R6

I have the problem:

Pawn code:

PHP код:
new yearmonthdayhourminutesecond;
getdate(yearmonthday), gettime(hourminutesecond);
format(querysizeof(query), "INSERT INTO `%s` (`Name`, `Password`, `Ip`, `Date_Registration`, `Money`, `Score`, `Kills`, `Deaths`) VALUES('%s', md5('%s'), '%s', '%d/%d/%04d' '%02d:%02d:%02d', 0, 0, 0, 0)"TABLE_NAMEname(playerid), inputtextip(playerid), daymonthyearhourminutesecond);
The problem is in ... Date_Registration

MySQL Debug:

PHP код:
[14:47:25CMySQLHandler::Query(INSERT INTO `Users` (`Name`, `Password`, `Ip`, `Date_Registration`, `Money`, `Score`, `Kills`, `Deaths`) VALUES('Test'md5('testpass'), '''19/6/2012' '14:47:25'0000)) - Successfully executed

PHP код:
CREATE TABLE `users` (
Namevarchar(24NOT NULL,
Passwordvarchar(32NOT NULL,
Ipvarchar(16NOT NULL,
Date_Registrationdatetime NOT NULL,
Moneyint(10NOT NULL,
Scoreint(10NOT NULL,
Killsint(10NOT NULL,
Deathsint(10NOT NULL )
In the database save the date in : 0000-00-00 00:00:00 .... why ?

Messages In This Thread
[HELP]Datetime mysql table - by TheBluec0de - 19.06.2012, 12:52
Re: [HELP]Datetime mysql table - by Vince - 19.06.2012, 13:00
Re: [HELP]Datetime mysql table - by TheBluec0de - 19.06.2012, 13:07

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