(3753) : warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition

Hi i haven't done that much scripting but i was attempting to set the admin name colour to ADMINBLUE but i get a warning saying "(3753) : warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition" but when i go ingame the admin name colour stay's the same here is the code that i used
SetPlayerColor(playerid, Player[playerid][AdminDuty],ADMINBLUE);
and here is the other parts of that code.....
if(Player[playerid][AdminDuty] == 1)
			    if(strlen(Player[playerid][AdminName]) >= 1 || strcmp(Player[playerid][AdminName], "Nothing", true) == 0)
			        SendClientMessage(playerid, WHITE, "You are now on admin duty. You will appear on the /admins list and you'll be able to view reports.");
			        Player[playerid][AdminDuty] = 1;

				    if(Player[playerid][AdminLevel] >= 3)
			        	SetPlayerHealth(playerid, 500000);

			        format(Player[playerid][NormalName], 255, "%s", GetName(playerid));

			        SetPlayerName(playerid, Player[playerid][AdminName]);
			        SetPlayerSkin(playerid, Player[playerid][AdminSkin]);
                    SetPlayerColor(playerid, Player[playerid][AdminDuty],ADMINBLUE);
Please help if you can i would greatly appreciate it, Thank you

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