
Hello guys!

So, what's about ?:
I work my gamemod with YCMD and know, I make:
public OnPlayerCommandPerformed(playerid, cmdtext[], success)
        format(cmdtext, 128, "{039EFF}MG:RP {FFFFFF}|| {ABAEB0}Komanda koju ste unijeli ne postoji! Za pomoc, kucajte /pomoc!");
        SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, cmdtext);
        return 1;
    return 1;
But it shows me that text and again SERVER:Unknown command.

So, how I can reove Server:Unkown command?
Thank you!

Messages In This Thread
[Help]y_commands - by Vectro64 - 12.04.2012, 17:34
Re: [Help]y_commands - by Ronaldo_raul™ - 12.04.2012, 17:37
Re: [Help]y_commands - by Vectro64 - 12.04.2012, 17:39
Re: [Help]y_commands - by mineralo - 12.04.2012, 17:51

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