[FilterScript] SkyLift by Soffry95

Hello! I'll show you my first filterscript:
What is it?
It's a filterscript where you can use a elevator for moving around San Andreas.
How it works?
Maybe you're thinking: "Wow, an elevator that moves up and down -.-". Well, you're wrong! It can move up, down, left, right, above and forward! And you can choose the speed! There's also a command /call.
What commands are there?
To move the SkyLift, get next to the elevator, than type /enterlift, and use /move <up, down, left, right, above and forward> <speed 1-50>. /exit for exit LOL. /cmdl for all commands.
You MUST have zcmd and sscanf2 include!
The position of the elevetor is at the airplane graveyard, you can change the spawn position.
Enjoy my Willy Wonka's-like elevator! XD Goodbye!

Messages In This Thread
SkyLift by Soffry95 - by Soffry95 - 12.10.2011, 19:06
Re: SkyLift by Soffry95 - by Marshall32 - 13.10.2011, 14:58
Re: SkyLift by Soffry95 - by Knight_Rider - 13.10.2011, 14:58
Re: SkyLift by Soffry95 - by [XG]VirUs! - 13.10.2011, 15:01
Re: SkyLift by Soffry95 - by THE_KING$5$ - 13.10.2011, 15:06
Re: SkyLift by Soffry95 - by Soffry95 - 13.10.2011, 15:08
Re: SkyLift by Soffry95 - by THE_KING$5$ - 13.10.2011, 15:12
Re: SkyLift by Soffry95 - by Mr.Anderson - 13.10.2011, 15:30
Re : SkyLift by Soffry95 - by TheBest6 - 13.10.2011, 16:10

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