[GameMode] [GM] SimpleDM (Even since 0.1)

Last change was actually made before 0.2.2 RC1 out. It is playable, but with many occasions in code from 0.1, like character replacement in playername, etc. I just release it because I already gave sources to many enough people, so why not. It's strictly optimised comparing with slow and huge Freeroam, also there are some flexible defines at the top of the source with main constants, etc.

I hope at least you find something useful for you mode here.

SOURCE: http://prl.jino-net.ru/simpledm.pwn (requires DINI to compile).
from pastebin: http://pastebin.ca/903734

P.S. I made this gamemode in the waves of popularity of usual deathmatches on official servers (it's even has feature with "no skin choose connect" which was "stolen" from PartyServer's SFTDM in the time of 0.1b).

Messages In This Thread
[GM] SimpleDM (Even since 0.1) - by ProRaiL - 13.02.2008, 14:24
Re: [GM] SimpleDM (Even since 0.1) - by Numhaken - 13.02.2008, 14:30
Re: [GM] SimpleDM (Even since 0.1) - by Grove - 13.02.2008, 14:32
Re: [GM] SimpleDM (Even since 0.1) - by [LDT]LuxurY - 13.02.2008, 15:39
Re: [GM] SimpleDM (Even since 0.1) - by Rks25 - 13.02.2008, 16:09
Re: [GM] SimpleDM (Even since 0.1) - by snipe69 - 13.02.2008, 19:47
Re: [GM] SimpleDM (Even since 0.1) - by MaTrIx4057 - 13.02.2008, 19:48
Re: [GM] SimpleDM (Even since 0.1) - by ProRaiL - 14.02.2008, 11:50
Re: [GM] SimpleDM (Even since 0.1) - by Sk1L - 03.08.2008, 12:53
Re: [GM] SimpleDM (Even since 0.1) - by ProRaiL - 30.08.2008, 20:08

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