Car spawn with new information.

When a car explodes, I want it to respawn with the new information.. But it won't do that.
It will spawn with the new information until the server restarts.
- Information = Coordinates, color -

This is the code I use.

pawn Код:
public OnVehicleDeath(vehicleid)
for(new i; i < sizeof(COwnerData); i++)
if(vehicleid == COwnerData[i][CarID])
COwnerData[i][CarID] = CreateVehicle(COwnerData[i][ModelID], COwnerData[i][carX], COwnerData[i][carY], COwnerData[i][carZ], COwnerData[i][carRot], COwnerData[i][pC1], COwnerData[i][sC2], 30*10000);
return 1;
To save the color, for example, I made a command which will change the file (dini_IntSet) and modify the COwnerData[i] by using this: COwnerData[i][pC1] = color1;, COwnerdata[i][sC2] = color2;.

Messages In This Thread
Car spawn with new information. - by Biesmen - 05.12.2010, 15:53

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