How can i run IRC on my server?

Okay since i'm new to plugins i dont know how can i use the IRC plugin. I found the plugin and i have read the topic. I only understood how to add the plugin.
Now i need to know what i must do after i added the plugin.
So as you understood i need the whole step list. Where to add natives etc. So i can connect the IRC to my IRC channel and control the server.

Please explain me step by step so i can get the plugin fully working.

Messages In This Thread
How can i run IRC on my server? - by ZamaXor - 08.11.2010, 20:12
Re: How can i run IRC on my server? - by SampStunta - 08.11.2010, 20:33
Re: How can i run IRC on my server? - by ZamaXor - 08.11.2010, 20:48
Re: How can i run IRC on my server? - by Scenario - 08.11.2010, 21:03

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